Tag: culture
Am I not free? Religion 1 Corinthians 9
Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord? 1 Corinthians 9:1 New Heart English Bible Freedom and Religion Eric Kress outlines two main points of application from the previous chapter of 1 Corinthians 8: Paul’s 4 questions intertwined in…
A First Letter to the Corinthians Intro
in the year of our Lord ano Domini 55 [A.D. 55] & in the context of the culture of Corinth Intro PREVIOUSLY in this Talk of Jesus series from CHURCH LETTERS – IS HE WRITING TO ME? we have glanced at a few of Paul’s LETTERS (Epistles) to the Church written during his just completed…
If God wills – a Mission ends, a Journey Home
ACTS of the Apostles 18: θεοῦ θέλοντος – theos thelō – that is: IF GOD WILLS. Not only is this Paul’s response to many who urge the Apostle to stay longer on his second missionary journey, but once the Apostle returns home we will see this familiar approach in a third missionary journey. God wills it. WHY…
Jews in Berea receive and believe the Gospel
What do Christians mean when they call themselves Bereans? Berean Bible Believer Are YOU one? No doubt you have your own imagery. (Let’s set our pictures of the past aside for a moment and go straight to the source – THE BIBLE – for some context of Paul’s visit to Berea.) Acts of the Apostles…
Three Weeks in Thessalonica- Acts 17
Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. Acts of the Apostles 17:1 ESV Luke summarizes an 80-90 mile [~130 km] journey from Philippi by these apostles of Christ in a single verse. ~ A.D. 50 – Philippi to Thessalonica (by land)…
A cultural clash at the Agora in Roman Philippi
a Roman Government of Greek Culture The Roman-built forum in Philippi with its bustling traditional Greek agora resembled the forum in Rome (cover-photo remains of the Roman forum pillars shows some of the grandeur of these most-public areas of the Empires greatest cities. Similar-sized pillars in the foreground of the Philippi Forum and agora (to…