Tag: festivals
HOLY | separated
Leviticus 11:45 & John 6:69 Roger@talkofJesus.com reading today’s devotional scriptures Isolation Observe how some react to isolation (as in #StayatHome #Pandemic etc.) and you might just wonder how any wall of separation can exist between mankind. Human beings made in the inage of God are social. We must live and work together as families, as…
If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly
The Messiah at Festivals So what does the Messiah of Israel do at festivals and feasts? How does the Messiah lead followers to worship the Lord our God, our Father in heaven? It was the Feast of Hanukkah at Yerushalayim. John 10:22 Hebrew Names Version Yeshua mashiyach Just a reminder to Christians of this 21st…