Tag: hellenist
Returning to seven servants in the Spirit
Acts of the Apostles 21: 7 We continued our voyage from Tyre and landed at Ptolemais, where we greeted the brothers and sisters and stayed with them for a day. 8 Leaving the next day, we reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the Seven. Returning to the Church…
Approaching Athena the ruling goddess of Athens
The Lord’s apostle to the gentiles — Paul, or Saul of Tarsus, a Roman citizen of CILICIA — has hurriedly fled Thessaloniki and Berea MACEDONIA sailing south along the Aegean coast of ACHIA to Athens. Sailing from Macedonia to Athens Although fleeing the Jews we must think of Paulos as a ROMAN citizen on some…
Jews in Berea receive and believe the Gospel
What do Christians mean when they call themselves Bereans? Berean Bible Believer Are YOU one? No doubt you have your own imagery. (Let’s set our pictures of the past aside for a moment and go straight to the source – THE BIBLE – for some context of Paul’s visit to Berea.) Acts of the Apostles…
Asia – Let’s Not Go There – Acts 16
The importance of this juncture in Paul’s journey, now with Silas and Timothy, cannot be overemphasized as these apostles are sent out beyond Asia into all the world of Euro-Asia. Asia – the BIG picture Growing up geographically-challenged (as my 5th grade teacher surely would have confirmed) in a small village far distant from Paul’s…
Exhortation from the Jew of Jews Saulos Tarseus :שָׁאוּל
Saul’s sermon in the synagogue of Antioch We must leave behind us any notion that Paul’s exhortation to the Jews in Antioch Pisidia would have much effect by proclaiming the Gospel as Paul had to the Roman ruler Sergius Paulos in Paphos Cypress or to the faithful ‘Christians’ of the church at Antioch in Syria.…