Tag: jewish

  • Preparation of a New Lunch Menu in Joppa

    Preparation of a New Lunch Menu in Joppa

    Roman approach to Judea coast with Caesarea as port, capital and residence of Centurions showing jewish port Joppa to the south
    Roman Judea

    And Peter stayed in Joppa many days with a tanner named Simon.

    ACTS of the Apostles 9:43 NASB20

    In fact, an angel has just told a Roman centurion the day before where he can send his ambassadors to find Simon Peter.

    and after he had explained everything to them, he sent them to Joppa. –ACTS 10:8

    What’s for lunch? – a scene in Joppa

    Some quoted text from NASB20 + CLICK Below to read ALL of Acts 10 in:
    1550 Stephanus New Testament; Easy-to-Read English Version; Conferenza Episcopale Italiana; Russian Synodal Version 

    ACTS 10: of Simon Peter in Joppa

    .. Peter went up on the housetop about [noon] the sixth hour to pray. But he became hungry and wanted to eat; but while they were making preparations, he fell into a trance..

    Has that ever happened to you?

    You’re hungry.. but you doze off while the sounds and aromas of lunch or dinner fill you with dreams rather than the action of coming to the table to eat.

    But Simon’s trance is no ordinary dream!

    CLICK trance ABOVE for full definition of ἔκστασις [ek'-stas-is]

    an alienation of mind

    He saw something coming down through the open sky. It looked like a big sheet being lowered to the ground by its four corners. In it were all kinds of animals, reptiles, and birds. 13 Then a voice said to him,

    “Get up, Peter; kill anything here and eat it.”

    “By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything [common or profane] unholy and unclean.”

    15 But the voice said to him again,

    “God has made these things pure. Don’t say they are unfit to eat.”

    16 This happened three times. Then the whole thing was taken back up into heaven. Peter wondered what this vision meant.

    A Roman Soldier with two men at the gate

    .. behold, the men who had been sent by Cornelius had asked directions to Simon’s house, and they appeared at the gate; and calling out, they were asking whether Simon, who was also called Peter, was staying there.

    ACTS of the Apostles 10:17b-18 NASB20
    From the roof of the home of Simon the tanner (where the gate would be clearly visible) as the Apostle emerges from his trance he hears these men.

    19 While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him,

    “Behold, three men are looking for you.

    “Arise therefore, go down and go with them, doubting nothing; for I have sent them.”

    ACTS of the Apostles 10:20 NKJV

    Goyim guests for lunch! גוים‎ 

    Simon Peter, the Apostle forgiven by the risen Christ for his own doubt just beyond the gate of Jesus’ trial, must certainly wonder what the Lord has in store for him by sending these UN-jewish Roman guests to him. Yet obediently, Peter descends from his noon-time prayers and roof-top trance to meet these Romans at Simon’s door.

    “Behold, I am the one you are looking for; what is the reason for which you have come?”

    22 The men said, “A holy angel told Cornelius to invite you to his house. He is an army officer. He is a good man, one who worships God, and all the Jewish people respect him. The angel told him to invite you to his house so that he can listen to what you have to say.”

    Roman house guests in Jewish Joppa

    The Apostle Philip, of course, has already preached the Gospel in Caesarea. But these Romans from their own capital city up the coast have not come to our jewish port of Joppa from him.

    Philip the evangelist flees Jerusalem to Samaria, but then receives a command to go to Gaza, where he baptized an Ethiopian, is taken up from there to Ashdod and preaches along the coast in towns leading to Ceasarea
    ACTS 8: .. the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away.. 40 But Philip found himself at Azotus and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities, until he came to Caesarea.
    Their journey between these two coastal ports takes most of a day on foot [~10-14 hours]. The ~60 km [~40 mile] trip by Cornelius' men from the early hours of the morning by have been by chariot. 
    These Romans have arrived around lunch time.

    23 Peter asked the men to come in and stay for the night.

    Lunch, Evening meal, Prayer together, conversation between these Romans and Peter and Simon.

    And then, no doubt, an early prayer and breakfast for all..

    Roman approach to Judea coast with Caesarea as port, capital and residence of Centurions showing jewish port Joppa to the south
    Now on the next day he got ready and went away with them, and some of the brothers from Joppa accompanied him.

    On the following day he entered Caesarea…

    The Gospel Mission of Peter to Romans at Caesarea —

    To be continued…

  • Obituary 2: Searching for souls of my family

    Obituary 2: Searching for souls of my family

    Giving up on God

    Today we hearken to the cries of family and the hearts of souls seeking lost meaning not only for the lives of dead (or nearly dead) loved ones, but also crying out for meaning to their own lives. We were born connected to the souls of a family and lament at the loss of any. But crying out to another, pleaing to ‘some One,’ differs from the self-talk of the meaningless question of yesterday’s obituary.

    Yesterday we began this series with a question in song, “Is that all there is? in Obituary: Soul-searching men & women of Dust. We recalled a sweet life which seemed to come up short and introduced the philosophy behind a most famous song where we discovered that these singers and entertainers were part of an extended family with a resolve to pursue life ‘MY WAY.’

    I also suggested your study of an important 20th century philosopher who famously addressed ‘Man’s search for meaning.’ His personal history was well known due to his observations of so many facing death in a concentration camp. Yes, even Frankl discovered that faith in God provides a light of hope in matters of life and death.

    Today’s musical questions

    All those people going somewhere
    Why have I never cared?

    “Is anybody out there? … Does anybody care?”

    What is the difference between the lyrics of these two questioner and the lyrics of yesterday’s post? (Is that all there is?)

    God. Stated differently, the faith of the questioner expressed in song.

    5min 5 sec (if you would like to listen as you read further) Recommend reading the YouTube Comments on this encouraging song focused on Jesus Christ

    What do these lives mean?

    Today’s philosophical question points back to the 20th century. The life and philosophy of Frankl (1905-1997) was grounded in the Great Depression and two World Wars of the 20th century. It is also rooted in Judaism and belief in the Lord God.

    • 1905 – Viktor Emil Frankl is born in Vienna
    • 1914-1918 – WWI – Frankl children sometimes had to beg for food
    • Roaring 20’s, until 1929; then the ‘Great Depression’
    • 1933 – Lillie Klot (stage name: Georgia Brown) born in London, England; Jerome Leiber & Mike Stoller (Is that all there is?) born in US
    • 1940 – Lillie, daughter of Mark and Annie Klot, East European Jewish immigrants, attended school during the London Blitz
    • 1940’s Viktor Frankl survives Nazi concentration camps as many family members perish before liberation by the Americans

    You may have memorialized a few sad biographies of lives cut short in these times. But believe me, as these two songs of today’s post point out God sees lives cut short in these last days of this 21st century as well.

    Family of God

    Is it significant that Frankl and other Jews survived with a higher focus from Scripture ingrained in their memories?

    Scripture instructs the chosen family of God to teach the generations about the Lord. In a follow-up to today’s post we will glance further back into Jewish history from a lesson from the Holy Scripture (of the Old Testament).

    The question today is:

    What do I do when a loved one from MY FAMILY goes against the Lord God?

    And the music playing out in my head:

    Is it a haunting melody of melancholy or perhaps some song which draws your heart to the Messiah of Israel and light of the love of Christ Jesus?

    Original talkofJesus.com post

    Summer Reruns! with picture of sun wearing sunglasses
    Summer 2021 AD {Scriptural} Reruns
    • CLICK “…Continue reading ” above,
    • THEN Ask a question or comment at the end of this post
    • OR email Roger@talkofJesus.com with your reaction, questions & comments.

    Stay tuned from more Summer of 2021 Reruns from talkofJESUS.com

    (ditto: Summer 2022 – more to come)

  • Protestant, Catholic & Jewish Sons of Tradition

    Protestant, Catholic & Jewish Sons of Tradition


    “For you set aside the mitzvah of God, and hold tightly to the tradition of men — the washing of pitchers and cups, and you do many other such things.”

    Words of the Messiah from the Gospel of Mark 7:8 Hebrew Names Bible

    History of Faith vs Traditions of History

    In our previous Summer Rerun, I mentioned the Great Schism of the Christian Church & later divisions of the Protestant Reformation.

    lines of division of Christianity chart

    Before then, however, Christianity originates from the faith of Judaism.

    In a prior Summer Scriptural Rerun we quote Jesus telling the Jews,

    “You are mistaken, since you do not understand the Scriptures nor the power of God.

    Jesus to traditionalist teachers

    Now in this introduction to our next Summer Scriptural Rerun we will reintroduce the faith of Abraham.

    By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he left, not knowing where he was going

    Hebrews 11:8 NASB20

    And what does this have to do with traditions of the Catholic Church?

    In fact, Jesus makes the point to the Jews that FAITH through Scripture far outweighs the TRADITIONS of man.

    Jewish traditions, Roman Catholic traditions, Orthodox traditions — even Anglican, Lutheran and other traditions of the Protestant Reformation must give way to Holy Scripture.



    • Matthew 15
    • John 8
    • Original talkofJesus.com Post
    from June 5, 2018 – Topic: Religion & Tradition
    Summer Reruns! with picture of sun wearing sunglasses
    Summer 2021 AD {Scriptural} Reruns
    • CLICK “…Continue reading ” above,
    • THEN Ask a question or comment at the end of this post
    • OR email Roger@talkofJesus.com with your reaction, questions & comments.

    Stay tuned from more Summer of 2021 Reruns from talkofJESUS.com

    (ditto: Summer 2022 – more to come)