Tag: jews

  • The Politics of Religion – Righteousness on Trial

    Jesus brought bound to Caiaphas for trial at night

    The Malignant Leaven of Religious Politics

    The religious rulers of the Temple discussed ad nauseam different approaches to God-justified righteousness for preservation of their personal political influence in Judaea, imperial procuratorial province of Rome.

    We have slowed down our examination of the Gospel of John like politicians seeking convicting evidence against an opponent. Let’s dig for the dirt sought by Jerusalem’s powerful religious rulers who now will bring Israel’s Messiah to ‘justice‘ in the middle of the night.

    We could easily focus on the caustic political potions bubbling in the dark corridors of power in this incendiary election year. I may even offer opinion of parallels to Jesus’ trial later as application to the darkness of these days to come.

    But for now, our focus continues on the political players who tried and convicted the Son of Man in a first century Jerusalem where leaders of government and religion lay together as strange bedfellows.

    John 18:

    As we detailed in previous posts:
    In a few hours of just one night 
    Jesus' betrayal has thus far progressed like this:
    (follow links below for previous events)

    3 So Judas took a company of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees and came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons.

    No one is more deserving of blame than the betrayer who claims Christ, but then betrays his Lord for money or unmerited influence. Judas is a mere pawn of the powerful.

    10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it, struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.)

    Judas had led them into Gethsemane under the cover of night. The Roman soldiers from the local cohort of Jerusalem accompanied servants of the Temple, police who were led by Malchus.

    Peter cuts off his ear! But that’s the end of the violence as Jesus heals the officer’s ear and the Temple police bound Him without resistance for trial.

    12 So the Roman cohort and the commander and the officers of the Jews, arrested Jesus and bound Him…


    Now we begin to meet the religious officials behind this dark plot to eliminate their opposition away from the hopeful multitudes who had welcomed their Messiah Jesus into Jerusalem just four days ago.

    13 First they led him to Annas, since he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was high priest that year.

    • Why to the father-in-law Annas, we wonder?
    • Perhaps a prearranged plan of deniability of involvement, a faux-impartiality of the High Court judge?

    Who is this political player among the religious elite of Jerusalem?

    Annas, an Elder among Elders, has some history of influence in Jerusalem. John and the Apostles may not have known the Temple’s political scene, but certainly every important official of the Temple must have known and respected Annas.

    Ἄννας Ánnasa high priest of the Jews, elevated to the pontificate by Quirinius the governor of Syria circa A. D. 6 or 7; but afterwards, A. D. 15, deposed by Valerius Gratus, the procurator of Judæa, who put in his place, first Ismael, son of Phabi, and shortly after Eleazar, son of Annas. From the latter, the office passed to Simon; from Simon circa A. D. 18 to Caiaphas (Josephus, Antiquities 18, 2, 1f); but Annas, even after he had been put out of office, continued to have great influence:

    STRONGS NT 452: Ἄννας – courtesy BlueLetterBible.org

    The Messiah Jesus is first bound up in Gethsemane and led to Annas, who then orders (perhaps by previous arrangement) the entourage holding Jesus to Caiaphas and then across town to Pilate.

    .. although Annas had been deposed by the Roman procurator, the Jews may still have regarded him as legally the high priest.

    More about Annas – source: BlueletterBible.org
    Click the next page number below
    to continue...

    Pages: 1 2 3

  • Defending GOD!

    Defending GOD!


    You may know of a Christian ministry or witness whose stated purpose is to defend God.

    RZIM.org and others focus on apologetics witness Jesus Christ to unsaved souls, comparing Christianity to other religions — even to atheism. Some have come to Christ through these ministries by learning the logic and love of the Lord God calling sinners to Christ.

    Yet think of the irony of it:

    If any have NO NEED of defense, it would be ALMIGHTY GOD.

    “I and the Father are one.”

    Christ Jesus
    (Apologetics is not really defending God, 
    but answering those who question God - unbelievers
    and those who refuse God's love - apostates.) 

    Defending God and Christ Jesus to unbelievers is not my purpose, which is to grow your faith IF you are a Christian follower of the Lord.

    As I have stated recently, talkofJesus.com is not focused on unbelievers, but on followers of Christ who want to talk of Jesus in the context of scripture.

    Continuing in the Gospel of John we move on from the betrayal of Jesus by Judas to the defense of Jesus by Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane.

    John 18:

    8 Jesus answered, “I told you that I am He; so if you seek Me, let these go their way,” …

    10 Simon Peter then, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s slave, and cut off his right ear; and the slave’s name was Malchus.

    11 So Jesus said to Peter, “Put the sword into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?”

    Who is Malchus?

    Malchus is δοῦλος doulos of the High Priest, perhaps better translated in the KJV and other translations as ‘servant.’

    In fact, Judas had left the upper room in Jerusalem to betray Jesus to the ruling council headed by the High Priest Caiaphas.

    The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for testimony against Jesus to put him to death, but they could not find any.

    Mark 14:55 CSB – of the Sanhedrin, religious rulers of Jerusalem

    Malchus’ name means ‘king,’ from a Hebrew origin pointing to the tribe of Benjamin. (The priests of course were Levites as prescribed by Law.)

    How ironic that Peter should defend Jesus, King of the Jews, by lopping off the ear of this man Malchus, whose name meant king.

    More about Malchus

    Malchus would have been ordered to lead these armed police officers of the Sanhedrin, guided by Judas, to bring this popular Messiah back to them for trial.

    John has already told us:

    But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all, nor do you take into account that it is expedient for you that one man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish.”

    John 11:49-50 NASB –

    Malchus would have been a personal servant to Caiaphas, an assistant with some authority assumed by his role in serving the High Priest. The Temple police held similar authority. And add to that a few Roman soldiers in the entourage lead by Malchus whose role was to see that the Jews did not get out of hand in this area governed by Pilate.

    scene of torches approaching a dark garden area

    Judas is, no doubt, among the men sent to bring Jesus to the justice of the Sanhedrin, but Malchus, servant of the High Priest is the man leading them into Gethsemane under the cover of night.

    Luke’s account

    Of course John, Matthew and Peter would have been among the awakened Apostles present in Gethsemane. Peter, who would later lead the church until his own crucifixion, responded by cutting off Malchus’ ear just after Judas’ kiss of betrayal of Jesus.

    Brash as always, Peter will defend the Lord – an ironic gesture defending the One who could instantly have angels present to ‘smite’ the lot of them – IF, that is, defeating men of dust was Jesus’ will.

    Of course, it wasn’t.

    Luke 22: KJV

    And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him.

    But Jesus said unto him,

    Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?

    When they which were about him saw what would follow, they said unto him,

    (The Eleven have now drawn near to Jesus…)

    Lord, shall we smite with the sword?

    And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.

    Details of witness from John:

    • As soon then as he [Jesus] had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground. John 18:6
    • A second time Jesus answered them (probably their leader): I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way John 18:8
    • Simon Peter drew the sword… John 18:10 & 11
    • The name of the High Priest’s slave (servant) is Malchus. John 18:10

    Luke’s detail of a miracle

    But Jesus answered and said, “Permit even this.”

    And He [Christ Jesus]

    touched his {Malchus’} ear

    and healed him {the servant of Caiaphas, High Priest of the Jews}.

    Luke 22:51 NKJV

    Jesus heals the ear struck by Peter’s sword! His enemy, head of an armed force sent by the Jews to apprehend their Messiah Jesus to be tried and convicted covertly under the cover of night. The Lord just betrayed by one of His Disciples shows mercy to the men Judas led to apprehend Him.

    Defending Jesus

    John is about to tell us more of the saga of Peter on this night in which our Lord was betrayed. In fact, as you know, away from Jesus Peter could no longer defend Jesus even by admitting to be a follower.

    If that how it is for you, beloved believer in Christ Jesus?

    • How do you defend Jesus when confronted by the multitudes?
    • Is your defense of God an aggressive agenda of man, a political position of proving that Jesus wants what you do?
      • (For that was what Judas expected of his King Jesus.)
    • Do you praise the Lord in the church building, yet deny your God on trial in the rise and fall of blame by the darkness of this world’s accusations?
      • Even Peter struggled with that, dear friend, but the risen Lord Jesus restored Him again and again.

    How ironic that we would defend the LORD God, that we want to defend Christ Jesus who came into the world to save us.

    garden in darkness

    In these last days, which began under the darkness of a night in Gethsemane, God has defeated sin and death for us

    — by the grace of the Lord’s love

    for those He has chosen.

    We believe in the One Son the Father sent to suffer for our sins, the Messiah Jesus.

    For Christ Jesus our Lord, we make no apologies to a world without ears to hear the Good News — a world directed by Satan for just a time more.

    Jesus IS LORD!

    To be continued...
  • 12 Men Texting as their Messiah approaches – Part 3

    12 Men Texting as their Messiah approaches – Part 3

    The Plot to Murder the Messiah!

    On the receiving end of these communications from those who witnessed the resurrection of Lazarus we find all of the VIP’s of Jerusalem’s council of leading religious leaders of this captive land.


    We have looked at the miraculous sign of the Messiah:

    We then looked at the Messiah Jesus as He and the Apostles retreated from Bethany into the hills beyond Jerusalem.

    Jesus – Traveling to and from Bethany

    google earth image of hills between Bethany and Jerusalem and Ephraim to the north

    Our current look at the people of John’s Gospel now focuses on three perspectives of those involved in this great witness of Good News.

    1. A traditional look at the Old & New Covenants and prophecy of the Messiah, specifically through Daniel 9. 12 Men Texting as their Messiah approaches – Part 1
    2. A brief look at the Sanhedrin & specifically the motives of Judas, the Apostle who was about to betray the Messiah after the Twelve dined with Jesus in Ephraim. 12 Men Texting as their Messiah approaches – Part 2
    3. And now we return to Jerusalem for a closer look at it’s religious rulers as they plot the murder of their own Lamb of Sacrifice come to His own.

    Returning to Jerusalem

    The Pharisees were just one of the religious political parties of Jerusalem, which formed after the return from exile from the east. Other parties and leaders were more influenced by the Hellenistic customs of the west imported to Jerusalem by Alexander and Rome.

    painting of Christ and the Pharisees by Earnst Zimmerman

    The Gospel of Matthew

    John, of course, is not the only Gospel writer to record the influence of the Pharisees. Since we follow a storyline of a brief time leading up to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem let’s glance at these men of this Jewish party in power through additional witness as well.

    (Of course if you’re following our 21st century approach of communication between everyone most likely the tax collector Matthew knew a few in Jerusalem he had to keep up to date on Jesus — and of course, this recent Lazarus miracle.)

    The Leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees

    16: The Pharisees and Sadducees approached, and tested him, asking him to show them a sign from heaven.

    4 “An evil and adulterous generation demands a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of[ Jonah.”

    Then he left them and went away. The disciples reached the other shore, and they had forgotten to take bread. Then Jesus told them,

    “Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”

    The Messiah cautions His followers to beware of their own religious leaders.

    Sabbath Questions

    At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath, and His disciples became hungry and began to pick the heads of grain and eat.

    But when the Pharisees saw this, they said to Him, “Look, Your disciples do what is not lawful to do on a Sabbath.”

    Matthew would have been there. Now as they approached Jerusalem just days before the holiest of feast the Apostles must all have recalled this type of opposition from Jerusalem’s ruling council. (Of course Rome, for whom Matthew had collected taxes, kept a close watch on all of them.)

    The Gospel of Mark

    John Mark recalls from witness of the Apostles about a healing on the Sabbath ‘violation’ of Jesus:

    And He [Jesus] said to them, “Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or to kill?”

    But they kept silent. After looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, He said to the man,

    “Stretch out your hand.”

    And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored.

    The Pharisees went out and immediately began conspiring with the Herodians against Him [the Messiah Jesus], as to how they might destroy Him.

    Mark 3:6 NASB

    The Herodians, of course, happened to be the party in power (thanks to Rome) in Jerusalem. This consensus against the Messiah would not be so different than an agreement between Democrats and Republicans (in the US), between liberals and conservatives.

    The Gospel of Luke

    Pharisees and other Jewish leaders witnessed Jesus the Messiah perform many signs of proof throughout His three-year teaching ministry.

    A Man Cleansed

    5:12 While he was in one of the towns, a man was there who had leprosy all over him. He saw Jesus, fell facedown, and begged him: “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

    13 Reaching out his hand, Jesus touched him, saying, “I am willing; be made clean,” and immediately the leprosy left him.

    15 But the news about him spread even more, and large crowds would come together to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses…

    17 On one of those days while he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and also from Jerusalem…

    20 Seeing their faith he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

    21 Then the scribes and the Pharisees began to think to themselves:

    “Who is this man who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

    22 But perceiving their thoughts, Jesus replied to them, 

    “Why are you thinking this in your hearts? Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”

    —he told the paralyzed man, “I tell you: Get up, take your stretcher, and go home.”

    25 Immediately he got up before them, picked up what he had been lying on, and went home glorifying God. Then everyone was astounded, and they were giving glory to God. And they were filled with awe and said,

    “We have seen incredible things today.”

    Signs and Miracles

    The Messiah is predicted throughout Scripture (Old Testament) by many. First century witnesses no doubt quoted many verses after encountering Jesus. (They would have texted the latest to their friends, things like.)

    Know what I thought of when I heard Jesus today?
    What? & who is Jesus?
    Ezekiel. Jesus came here from Galilee and Samaria. Jesus is a Prophet!
    Like Ezekiel? How?
    You know it:
    כְּבַקָּרַת֩ רֹעֶ֨ה עֶדְרֹ֜ו בְּיֹום־הֱיֹותֹ֤ו בְתֹוךְ־צֹאנֹו֙ נִפְרָשֹׁ֔ות כֵּ֖ן אֲבַקֵּ֣ר אֶת־צֹאנִ֑י וְהִצַּלְתִּ֣י אֶתְהֶ֗ם מִכָּל־הַמְּקֹומֹת֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר נָפֹ֣צוּ שָׁ֔ם בְּיֹ֥ום עָנָ֖ן וַעֲרָפֶֽל׃
    huh? oh I'm a bit rusty on my Hebrew
    “As a shepherd cares for his herd
     in the day when he is among
     his scattered sheep, 
    so I will care 
     for My sheep 
     and will deliver them 
     from all the places 
     to which they were scattered 
     on a cloudy and gloomy day.
    That's us alright, sheep scattered by Greeks, Rome and everyboby else.
    Tell me more about this Jesus

    Miracles! Miracles no ordinary man could do. And many Pharisees and other religious leaders from all over Galilee, Samaria, Judea and even the highest officials of Jerusalem witnessed the miracles of their Messiah Jesus.

    Some saw Jesus’ signs personally and others knew from reliable witnesses that this Son of Man was no ordinary man.

    Returning to the Gospel of John

    The Apostle John tells us at the conclusion of his Gospel that Jesus did many other things — too many to tell. Pharisees had plenty of evidence about the true identity of their Messiah right before them, yet by His Power they would lose theirs.

    In order to keep with our present scene just prior to the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem (known as Palm Sunday), we’ll take just one more glance at the Pharisees in the crowded capital, preparing for both the crowds of the Passover festival and simultaneously by stealth seeking ways to kill the Messiah Jesus.

    We have been following John’s witness of Good News of the Messiah Jesus. He raised Lazarus from the grave!

    John does not follow a strictly chronological presentation of the evidence of Jesus Christ, born as a man, crucified and buried, raised from the grave then after many days and many more witnesses ascended once more into heaven.

    John 11:

    We’re back in Bethany, Lazarus has just walked out of his tomb, and you’ll have to imagine all of the texts going out to friends in Jerusalem and everywhere. (No photos, just imagine some 20th century communication.)

    45 So then, many of the Jews… who were eyewitnesses to what Jesus had done, believed in Him. But some of them went back to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done.

    47 Therefore the chief priests and the Pharisees convened a council, and were saying,

    “What are we doing? For this man is performing many signs. If we let Him go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”

    That’s really it, isn’t it, that those in power will often resort to anything to remain in power.

    This, of course, includes religious leaders who do not hold the Lord God dear to their own hearts. Some leading Jews, Christian and other religions have all been guilty of this witness to the world against the LORD.

    49 And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all,

    50 Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.

    51 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year,

    he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.

    53 Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death.

    57 Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that if anyone knew where He was, he was to report it, so that they might seize Him.

    John 12:

    Now the Passover of the Jews was approaching

    All the talk around Jerusalem, all the chat, all the texts – everyone wondered if this Messiah Jesus would come to Jerusalem for the feast – the sacrifice of the Passover.

    Jesus has returned to Judah as far as Bethany to join his resurrected friend Lazarus in a family feast – a celebration at home before the great Jewish feast to which so many traveled yearly from near and far. Word gets out.

    9 Then a large crowd of the Jews learned he was there.

    woman with cell phone

    My friend traveling with the crowds saw the Messiah in Bethany!

    They came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, the one he had raised from the dead.

    Ahead in Jerusalem, waiting for Jesus

    10 But the chief priests had decided to kill Lazarus also, because he was the reason many of the Jews were deserting them and believing in Jesus.

    You know well the story of Jesus riding triumphantly up to the city gate of Jerusalem, the crowds worshiping Him laying palms before Him as He rode on the foal of a donkey.

    a crowd of people

    You know well the story of Jesus riding triumphantly up to the city gate of Jerusalem, the crowds worshiping Him laying palms before Him as He rode on the foal of a donkey.

    Then the Pharisees said to one another, “You see? You’ve accomplished nothing. Look, the world has gone after him!”

    John 12:19 CSB

    What sinister desperate plans will these religious leaders of Jerusalem about to be deposed text to each other next?

    You likely know the story of Holy Week and Palm Sunday, preached so many times to numb ears and distracted hearts. I have preached on it before as have so many. https://talkofjesus.com/jerusalem-defiled-awaits-king/

    Worship with your church Palm Sunday and ask yourself,

    IF I had witnessed the Messiah Jesus in Person, who would I text the GOOD NEWS?

    The Messiah approaches our city – SOON!

    Could you at least follow our scriptural posts by subscribing to talkofJesus.com and please comment.

    May the grace and peace of our Lord the Messiah Jesus be with you and remain with you always through God our Father and the Holy Spirit.

    NEXT: We will continue our series in the 
    Gospel of John, God-willing...