Tag: meaning

  • Is that all there is (for my family)?

    Is that all there is (for my family)?

    One day your ‘teen’ or ‘twenty’ reveals first to their friends and then to a parent: I’m ‘in a relationship,’ or I’m gay or I’m a vegan or I’m a witch or I’m quitting school or I’m pregnant or I’m getting an abortion or… or… any one of a number of things YOU as their parent had hoped they would not do.

    “WHY,” you ask?

    I don’t believe in God. I can do whatever I want. I am free. You can’t stop me. So what? Can’t I do whatever I like?

    Yet the “Single Mom,” (a great lie in itself) is crushed that the grown child of her womb has said, ‘I can do what I want’, when she had hoped for better.

    Is there no hope (for a ‘single mom’) who has defined the value of her life by what she has done for her children? Is that all there is?

    A man comes home and his wife is sitting at the table drinking with friends… again. It seems her friends are her drinking friends, just as her family is her party and always having a ball.

    “You have to move on,” she says. She was too drunk to even wonder, “Is that all there is?” She was escaped far enough to fantasize, “I’ll keep on dancing… and break out more booze.” And I’ll have a ball, if that’s all there is.

    An important man, once held high in the eyes of men and of women and of his family… a man defined by his job, a man defined by his work, a man defined by what he does and how much money he makes – a man once well respected loses his job… and his importance.

    The man mixed with the rich and socialized with the famous. He lived for his work… and then his work was gone and he asks: Is that all there is?

    “Is that all there is,” he asks? “Who am I now?”

    The words of another lyricist describe his defeat:

    There’s a man just to her right
    Black suit and a bright red tie
    Too ashamed to tell his wife
    He’s out of work, He’s buying time.

    All those people going somewhere
    Why have I never cared?

    ALL in a search for meaning! ALL asking: “Is anybody out there? Does anybody care?”

    ALL wondering, ‘What is the meaning of MY life?’

    It’s a paradox of meaninglessness, isn’t it?

    We ask, “What is the meaning of my life?”   Who are we asking?

    And whose soul does touch our own that we would share in life’s meaning?

    Meaning of our SELF must be defined in our relationships to OTHERS.

    Meaning of our SOUL, so alone and so broken is already defined by the LORD God our creator. He IS a God of relationship. He IS the Son of Sacrifice. He IS the Spirit of personal relationship to an overflowing consecrated purpose of His immeasurable love for you.

    A child defines their life by the latest discovery of their ‘friends.’ A mom defines her meaning by her children. A man defines his meaning by his work. And like the generations before, their child – a growing up child – searches for the same answers never found by their mother and by their father. They all ask the age-old question: Is that all there is?

    And in an instant, one once rooted in scripture remembers:

    All is vanity.

     Second of 3-part series: To be continued tomorrow

  • Is that all there is?

    Is that all there is?

    Does life have meaning?

    “Does life have meaning?” is not question which probes deepest into the broken hearts of souls. If you would study this question of philosophers and psychologists in depth, examine the life and witness of a man tried in the fire of faith and persecution: Victor Frankl, who after living as a prisoner for his faith wrote, “Man’s Search for Meaning.”

    Perhaps the more pertinent question in the depths of the souls of all broken hearts is:

    Does MY life have meaning?

    You may have thought of or examined the existence of ALL life. You may have thought of or examined the existence of God and of man, the heavens and the earth, the plants and the animals. You may even have thought of or examined the existence and meaning of the spirit and soul. You may have reached high and dug deep to find the connection of mystery and the certainty between this life of the flesh and spirit of this life.

    You may have thought of or examined every avenue, every path and every possibility to the unanswerable questions of an infinite creation within the purposeful neurons of an ever-inquiring mind. ALL these to answer your real question: Does MY life have meaning?

    And yet in your own questioning have come up with no answer more hopeful than the one of the lyricist of the 1960’s.

    Is that all there is, is that all there is?
    If that’s all there is my friends, then let’s keep dancing
    Let’s break out the booze and have a ball
    If that’s all there is…

    IF MY life has no meaning… IF that’s all there is, what can I do? … IF that’s all there is, my friends, what can we do?

    Conclusions of the flesh… actions of escape… the buzz of the booze and distraction of drugs; temporary highs and tension-relieving lows; distractions of the party: ALL an escape from the inevitable answer – a final answer in death, even in judgment, which does finally reveal the answer you never will find in your SELF.

    This is the first in a three-part message on meaning, to be continued tomorrow.
