Tag: pastor

  • Who will keep watch at the gates?

    Who will keep watch at the gates?

    From the Watchtower

    Are YOU a watchman on the watchtower of Scripture given by God?

    Does your Shepherd preach TRUE Scripture without distortion?
    Note from Doctrine of the Bible: 
    Some contemporary ‘translations’ of the Bible are *biased against true Scripture and do NOT actually translate Scripture from the original Hebrew and Greek. *Examples of Anti-Trinitarian bias of the NWT (New World Translation) of the Jehovah Witnesses cult 

    (Don’t be misled by that Watchtower of the cult which denies Christ Jesus by twos and distorts Scripture.)

    Is your Pastor a Gatekeeper of Scripture?

    Scripture reveals TRUE identity of the approaching enemy as well as the True Shepherd and faithful shepherds of the sheep of the Lord.

    The Gatekeeper Determines: ‘Who may enter the gate?’

    Speaking of gates.. (see yesterday’s post) .. Last year in 2020 I wrote mostly from John’s Gospel. And from the scene of Jerusalem we took a look at gates and watchtowers. Today our examples teach from both Old Testament & New Testament Scripture. Apply the imagery of these gatekeepers and watchtowers to your church.

    IF ANY may enter, expect wolves to be hidden among the flock which claims to be ‘the Lord’s.

    It was common practice of the people, including shepherds leading sheep for the slaughter of the sacrifice, to travel here from far away hills and trade within Jerusalem’s walls. Then they worshiped within the courts of their Temple, surrounded by walls of watchmen.

    The gatekeeper is much more than a ticket taker, so to speak, a man of authority.

    from “The Gatekeeper & the Shepherds – Part 1


    2 Samuel 18-19

    “This one also is bringing good news.”

    So it appears, but is he?

    Ezra 1:2

    Hebrews 3

    Nehemiah 2,4,11 (excerpts)

    1 Chronicles 9

    Isaiah 60

    His watchmen are blind,

    All of them know nothing.

    All of them are mute dogs unable to bark,

    Dreamers lying down, who love to slumber;

    And the dogs are greedy, they are not satisfied.

    And they are shepherds who have no understanding;

    They have all turned to their own way,

    Isaiah 56:10-11a NASB

    Original talkofJESUS.com post

    From March 7, 2020 – Part 1 – TOPIC: Gatekeeper – [Part 2 linked in Comment]
    Summer Reruns! with picture of sun wearing sunglasses
    Summer 2021 AD {Scriptural} Reruns
    • CLICK “…Continue reading ” above,
    • THEN Ask a question or comment at the end of this post
    • OR email Roger@talkofJesus.com with your reaction, questions & comments.

    Stay tuned from more Summer of 2021 Reruns from talkofJESUS.com

    (ditto: Summer 2022 – more to come)

  • PK’s, EK’s, DK’s: Our kids; God’s kids – 3

    PK’s, EK’s, DK’s: Our kids; God’s kids – 3

    The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.  – 1 Timothy 1:5 NLT

    Continuing in the series of (our Saturday posts) our focus is on ‘Preacher’s Kid’s, Elder’s Kids and Deacon’s kids and the focus of scripture from Paul’s letter to Timothy.

     Why is the integrity of leadership in the pulpit and authority behind the pulpit important?

    Think about your preacher (minister, priest, rector, brother, pastor… whatever you and your church would like to call the man in the pulpit). Why would ANYONE in the church listen? Why would anyone from outside of your church family want to listen to this man, a mere mortal? (And I accept and include some pretty good preaching I have heard from godly women.)

    WE, the people of Christ’s church, recognize the Authority of God and Christ Jesus  inherent in the office of the Pastor of our church.

    Our LORD stands behind the authority of the pulpit.

    Yet IF NOT… IF a church leader of any office: Pastor, Elder, Deacon, even a mere member representing your church and claiming Christ; IF ANY Christian does not preach the gospel with the integrity of our life, Christ Jesus is maligned in our soiled image of claiming His Name in vain.

    The world has retorted our faith with stories enough of the evil of priests and pastors and hateful ‘christians’ with a cause more self-righteous than our own lives.

    PK fishWe would ALL do well to think of ourselves as being in the spotlight of a ‘Preacher’s Kid’ and modify our witness (behavior) in front of others accordingly. Please allow me one personal example.

    A number of years ago a young man in high school met two new students who turned out to be the son and daughter of the new Pastor of his church. These two ‘Preacher’s Kids’ were both well-dressed, well-behaved, more intelligent than most. It did not take long for everyone to learn that they were the new “PK’s.”  This label always preceded everything they accomplished and anything they wanted to do.

    Although he hardly spoke to the new boy and the new girl at school, the young man was more than pleased to participate with them on Youth Sunday along with his ‘church friends’ of the youth class at church. Unfortunately (as often happens in real families who do not live next door to the church), his family was a little late. After the service the new pastor, “Reverend ___,” asked by young man’s mom into a room to talk, closed the door, and talked to his mom at some length (no doubt a continuation of his angry exhortation about lateness in front of everyone as they all hurried into the ‘Youth Sunday’ service.)

    After that, this Christian young man no longer wanted to go to church.

    Pastors have to practice EVERYTHING they preach, don’t they? We expect this.

    And as for the Preacher’s Kids: imagine how well they had witnessed such things before, knowing many of the incidents like these in their biological father’s life (by their dad, who happened to be the preacher). Imagine their embarrassment when later it was found out that Reverend ___, their dad, was having an affair with the church secretary!

    Such stories are all-too-common for leaders of the church. The gossip ruins lives, in addition to the sins of the flesh of a mortal ‘preacher’ of the word. In a greater sense, we are all preacher’s kids. Jesus Christ made no such mistakes as are so often brought to light by the enemies of the Gospel. “See? Christians are no different,” they say.

    That’s right. We are ALL sinners – even the preacher – and even the preacher’s kid’s, like you and me. Jesus Christ is our preacher, God is our Father and in that familial sense, we are ALL preacher’s kids saved by grace.

    Never-the-less, scripture holds the leaders of Christ’s flock to a higher standard. You can see why.

    Paul points his ‘Preachers Kid’ in the faith, Timothy, to these higher standards for choosing his own children who will help him with the leadership of the church. You can see why.

    Once again (and without designation of ‘pastor, elder, deacon, preacher’s kid, elder’s kid, deacon’s kid, our kids, your kids, their kids…) let’s consider the higher standards of God for leaders of Christ’s flock:

    1 Timothy 1:

    8 Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, 9 understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, 10 the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, 11 in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.

    Paul is not yet speaking of those called to lead the church, but of those who we hope to draw to Christ by our righteousness in the Law. Yet sadly, in these last days, we need to point to a scripture directed toward the world which has not been heeded even by those who train our preachers, fill our pulpits, appoint our church leaders and then are ‘shocked’ to discover scandals by those who do these things even before and while they claim Christ.

    Paul goes on to point out what a sinner he was BEFORE he was saved and came to Christ Jesus in obedience to the Gospel.

     1 Timothy 2

    First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions…

    8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; 9 likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control…

    11 Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.

    [This is NOT to say that a woman should not preach or teach – a topic we will not approach here.]

     1 Timothy 3

    English Standard Version (ESV)


    • must be above reproach,
    • the husband of one wife,
    • sober-minded,
    • self-controlled,
    • respectable,
    • hospitable,
    • able to teach,
    • not a drunkard,
    • not violent but gentle,
    • not quarrelsome,
    • not a lover of money. (Though) He must manage his own household well,
    • with all dignity keeping his children submissive
    • He must not be a recent convert (Young perhaps; but not new to Christ)
    • dignified,
    • not double-tongued,
    • not addicted to much wine,
    • not greedy for dishonest gain.
    • 9 They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. (We will not elaborate here.)
    • 10 And let them also be tested first…prove themselves blameless.
    • 11 Their wives likewise must be dignified,
    • not slanderers,
    • sober-minded,
    • faithful in all things.
    • gain a good standing for themselves
    • great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

    It’s a long list of higher standards to which we should hold the leaders of our church. I do not even qualify.

    Do you? Do your church leaders? Does your pastor?

    train up a childIn deed and in witness we are like: Preacher’s Kids, Elder’s Kids, Deacon’s Kids.

    It’s just like when our kids are somewhere else people look at them and say: “We know you are ‘Roger’s kid’ {or Lissette’s kid…or Roger and Lissette’s kid}. They may as well have said, “We know your parents. Why are you acting like THAT?”

    So I ask us:

    If we are children adopted into the Royal and Holy Household of GOD our Heavenly Father,

    WHY are we calling CHRIST JESUS our LORD, while our worldly witness does NOT stand up to these HIGHER STANDARDS of a “Preacher’s Kid?”

    Do we call a man to the pulpit or to church leadership without holding him, his wife and his family to the higher standards of the loving family of God?

    Dear Preacher’s Kid, of the family of God and Christ Jesus:

    Repent! and return to the loving Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who seeks and finds even the lost sheep within the church — the loving Father who runs to meet the prodigal son… (or prodigal daughter…) and would welcome you home.

    He has trained you up in the way you should go.

    Now come home, beloved child of God.

    Pray also for me.


  • PK’s, EK’s, DK’s: Our kids; God’s kids

    PK’s, EK’s, DK’s: Our kids; God’s kids

    The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.  – 1 Timothy 1:5 NLT

    If you haven’t guessed, our focus is on ‘Preacher’s Kid’s, Elder’s Kids and Deacon’s kids and the focus of scripture is Paul’s letter to Timothy, Paul’s son in the faith and pastor of a church. So as to not get entangled in particular setting and certain persons, here it is in part.

    1 Timothy 1

    Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope…

    To Timothy, my true child in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

    To begin, note Paul’s greeting to this preacher’s kid (of a sort). Note Paul’s endearment of Timothy as not only his colleague in the faith who happens to be the pastor of an important church, but his public building up to the congregation (or gathering of his church) of Timothy as: “my true child in the faith.” Although Timothy was not a biological child of Paul, certainly the church would acknowledge him as a disciple of the Apostle, just as in an earlier time the Prophet Elisha would have been known as a disciple of the Prophet Elijah.

    The church would be watching this ‘preacher’s kid’ to see how he would get about when the preacher was no longer present. He would soon be as a Joshua after Moses in leading the church through the difficult territory of the place of faith after the Apostles were martyred for Christ Jesus.

    Paul continues:

    I urged you… to … remain … so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine,  nor to devote themselves to myths… rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith.

    5 The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

    Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion,  desiring to be teachers … without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions.

    Paul, by this introduction to the church, sets up a structure of leadership and accountability for the leaders chosen by the church. We have many names for these (in our different traditions): Pastor, Reverend, Rector, Father, Bishop, Brother, Elder, Deacon, Minister. 

    Although Paul, Peter, James, leader of the church of Jerusalem in the first century and John, only surviving Apostle to the churches who though not martyred was persecuted, tortured and exiled – although the Preachers of the early church entrusted the Gospel into the hearts of faithful disciples of their teaching; these prescribed neither hierarchy nor anarchy of committee for the direction of the church.

    Rather, the Apostles and early leaders of the church agreed in the Spirit to continue in preaching Christ crucified, died, resurrected in the body and present in the Spirit for continuation of the Gospel to all the ends of the earth. It is never: Peter’s church or Paul’s church, Apollos’ teachings or John’s churches, John Mark’s writings or Timothy’s preaching.

    For no leader or over-seer is of ANY importance in the light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.

    The church is no longer – in the sense of the Jews being the chosen family of God through Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, David (and oh, did I mention Jacob, who God renamed: Israel?) – the congregation or gathering of the believers of God to worship is no longer a family in the sense of genealogy and ancestry; but a holy family in the true relational sense of being part of the household of God the Father and a brother of the Son of God, King and heir of the Throne of Glory, of which He IS a part, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

    Neither is the church to regard a holy family of Jesus in the worship of earthly ancestry. Worship the LORD only in the light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus, who together with the Father and the HOLY Spirit is glorified. No angel, no departed saint and no ancestry of example of faith is worthy of the worship deserved ONLY by God Incarnate, in the Person of Christ Jesus.

    In a true sense of our family connected by the grace of Christ Jesus and the gospel of our certain hope by faith in the resurrection and our own eternal life, we are children living in witness of the Living God, a preaching member of the Royal Household of our Heavenly King, Christ Jesus, who IS and will return to this temporal earth once more in victory over sin and death.

     To be continued… (Saturday, 28 June, 2014, God-willing)