Tag: sex

  • My Love – 5 – Sex

    The lure of eros… as a bird rushes into a snare;     he does not know that it will cost him his life. – Proverbs 7:23b When a Man Loves a Woman Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for…

  • Sexual Devolution

    SEX Preaching from Dr. Albert Mohler Contraceptive revolution. Divorce revolution. Premarital sex revolution. even senior citizens ‘living together’ unmarried & calling themselves christians. Abortions Homosexual agendas Cloning and other sexual issues… much more also in this one sermon A few quotes: “… the exchange of a tradition of moral wisdom that had been shaped…

  • The Mirror of Church Hypocrisy

    The hypocrisy of Christians becomes most evident in the issues we pursue and the righteousness we do NOT pursue. I would like to help the unbeliever understand the motives of christians of the church and the issues we most frequently address in the public arena, while ignoring the log in the eyes of our christian…

  • Godly christian teens?

    (Almost) Everyone’s Doing It A SURPRISING NEW STUDY SHOWS CHRISTIANS ARE HAVING PREMARITAL SEX AND ABORTIONS AS MUCH (OR MORE) THAN NON-CHRISTIANS. Eighty percent of young, unmarried Christians have had sex. Two-thirds have been sexually active in the last year. Even though, according to a recent Gallup poll, 76 percent of evangelicals believe sex outside…

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