Tag: Social witness

  • Families of Faith: Preacher’s Kids – 1

    Our ‘Father,’ “Our FATHER..,” we pray. And Jesus said, I and the Father are one. https://talkofjesus.com/father-the-hour-is-come-2/ Does that make us ‘preacher’s kids?” Qualifications to Teach God’s Word It’s a long list of higher standards to which we should hold the leaders of our church. I do not even qualify. Do you? How about your church…

  • Witnesses to Jesus Risen! – Thomas

    Jesus is risen! .. You can’t prove it, can you? Christ Born & Witnessed, Crucified, Risen, Ascended.. The Witness of Thomas Imagine what Thomas must have pondered before he saw Jesus once more.. His miracles were authentic. He was a man like us, yet so unlike us. We discovered many times that the Lord Jesus…

  • 11 Witnesses to Jesus Risen! – the Eleven

    HE IS RISEN! ‘HE IS RISEN, INDEED,’ goes a traditional response. Christ Born & Witnessed, Crucified, Risen, Ascended.. If you haven’t been following this series you will likely ask, “Why is he talking of Easter during this Advent season of Christmas in the year of our Lord, 2020?” My dear brother or sister in Christ,…

  • Page TWO – Christ Jesus, Lord for a 21st c. Church

    NEW – Page TWO This NEW approach for talkofJesus.com posts replicates an interactive technique used for centuries: introduce the story and characters, then interrupt the storyline briefly to provoke thought about the story. The author’s design is for you to respond to the storyteller. As author of most posts here I ask you: Do you…