What is Doctrine? – Let’s Talk about DOCTRINE

Do you really believe that? doctrine - a line in the sand [picture of Jesus kneeling down to draw a line with his finger Series on Doctrines:

NEW: DOCTRINE in 2024 of the Common Era

Do you REALLY believe? Is DOCTRINE of the Bible a line in the sand for you? OR has DOCTRINE of the COMMON ERA become a blurred line in the sand of 21st century CE?
2022 CE series on Doctrine

Doctrine - a line in the sand Creeds, Catechisms, Confessions & Christ – What do you believe?
What does your church teach?


  3. Did God really say..? – DOCTRINE of the BIBLE 2
  4. The LORD God speaks – Doctrine of the Bible – 3
  5. ONLY Scripture
  6. Inerrant TRUTH: Our reasoned Biblical Faith
  7. Sola Protestants: 5 Differences
  8. CHURCH – Doctrine & teaching

GOD IS HOLY (and we are not)

What is Doctrine?

  • What do YOU believe, my fellow believer in Christ Jesus?
    • Do doctrines make any difference in your worship of God?
    • Isn’t teaching of the church something best left to preachers?
    • And besides, WHAT is DOCTRINE?
  • Why does it matter and how will I recognize it from what others say?

Why should I care about doctrine?

All of these seemingly theological questions challenge us in encounters with others.

You cannot talk of JESUS with anyone without doctrine connecting you to God.

EVERYONE has a view or doctrine about God;

therefore the very mention of Jesus Christ challenges the presumptive faith of others.

In these posts exploring doctrine I would like to answer to your questions about the teaching of the Bible.

  • After reading any post on doctrine, would you ADD A COMMENT for me (your brother in Christ)?
  • Ask me QUESTION or tell me what you think about my view of a specific doctrine?

Even if questions of doctrine haven’t peaked your curiosity in the past, let’s reconsider our faith in Jesus Christ with a renewed researched confidence in Scripture.

Such is the confidence we have toward God through Christ.

2 Corinthians 3:4

What is Doctrine?

  1. [countable, uncountable] a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, a political party, etc.

Although doctrine is taught, an accounting of one’s words will also reveal various teaching concerning – their own conclusions about God, man, Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible (among other beliefs).

Doctrine frequently underlies the unspoken agendas both for and against the church, God and Jesus Christ.

What is Doctrine? (that you can believe?)

What authoritative source can you examine to determine your own personal doctrines?

Please note that ALL linked sources on are SECURE & provided for your further study.

This series takes a brief approach to core doctrines of the Christian faith.

Why not read some things I believe and comment about any DOCTRINE you believe and why you believe it.

dok’-trin: Latin doctrina, from doceo,
“to teach,” denotes both the act of teaching and that which is taught; now used exclusively in the latter sense.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

What Doctrines are True?

  • Do you hold to certain ones?
  • Maybe you oppose some teachings by your preacher or leader of a group study?
  • Perhaps you remain ambivalent to certain doctrines not central to your personal faith.

Which Doctrines do I believe, you ask?

You will find my brief STATEMENT OF FAITH here with some additional secure links to my local denomination a catechism (teaching) confessed by many Christian believers.

From 2021 series on DOCTRINE
Acts Apostolos - Acts of the Apostles - the chronicles of Christ's Apostles - a history of Christ's Church

Questioning Doctrines of the Church

ANSWER YES or NO to these clear questions of concerned theologians.
Theologians examining 20th and 21st c. trends of the Church.

Let’s talk of JESUS and teaching of His Doctrines

Email your questions about ANY Doctrine and I will do my best to provide a scriptural answer to your question. I may need your answers about the Lord as well.

Would you like to talk of JESUS CHRIST?

I would love to hear from you.

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