The Connection of Christ’s Missions

google map of Paul's route in Acts 18 from Corinth via Ephesus to Caesarea a connection between the Apostles' 2nd and 3rd missionary journeys

a timeline of ACTS of the Apostles

Twenty-first century followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and believers less immersed in Scripture tend to oversimplify the journeys and any connection of apostles of the first century church.

Our helpful, but partial view tends to look something like this:
Acts Petros - Acts 0f Peter - Jesus' Rock and Apostle of the 1st c. church. What happened to the Apostle Peter? Acts 1-15
  • A.D. 30Peter and the Twelve APOSTLES witness Jesus’ resurrection mostly in Jerusalem
    • In fact, the Twelve all traveled (Peter, certainly back and forth to his wife and family Capernaum) and even as far as Rome where more than 30 years later Peter would be executed by Nero.
Acts of the Apostles Missions trips of Paul, Barnabas, Silas and several others
ACTS on Mission
  • A.D. 47-57 – Paul becomes Christ’s connection to the Gentiles and journeys throughout Europe on three time, taking some others with him.
    • Most 21st c. believers realize that Saul had personally met the risen Christ near Damascus while persecuting followers of the Way of Jesus Christ just 10 years earlier.
    • AND we don’t typically count a crucial connection of the Apostle’s final journey to Rome as a “fourth missionary journey” (~A.D. 60) where he too would be executed in about A.D. 66 or 67 just prior to Rome destroying Jerusalem in A.D. 70.

a Connection of Apostles

JESUS CHRIST is the One connection of Paul’s three missionary journeys we dare not overlook.

Notice that ALL of the apostles sent out on the three missionary journeys of Paul were also sent by the Holy Spirit AND the Church to the Jews, Greeks and Roman citizens.

Luke’s account of the history of the Church carefully and frequently notes their connection to each other and especially to the Holy Spirit — who IS One with the Father and our risen Lord JESUS the Son of man, as well as their resurrected friend and Savior.

From the very beginning of ‘Paul’s’ first mission to Cypress with Barnabas and John Mark we continually see more and more connections of individual apostles to new followers in these church plants.

See a partial list of these connections to beloved believers of new churches and a more detailed 20 year timeline of Acts in this earlier post.
Silas and Timothy arrived from Macedonia, Paul..’

ACTS of more Apostles

Acts 18:

18 And Paul, having stayed-on considerable days longer, having said-good-bye to the brothers, was sailing-off to Syria— and Priscilla and Aquila with him— having sheared his head in Cenchrea, for he had a vow. And they came to Ephesus. And those ones he left-behind there. And he himself, having entered into the synagogue, reasoned with the Jews.

Acts of the Apostles 18:18-19 Disciples’ Literal New Testament
The Disciples’ Literal New Testament adds two more descriptive headings to our current journey with Paul from the Apostle's second missionary journey to begin his third mission.
  • In Ephesus, Paul Prepares Them For a Future Visit And Then Returns Home To Antioch
    • (Here we see the connections of place with Antioch the church which sent out the Apostles and Ephesus which is about to become a most influential church in Asia Minor both culturally and geographically closer to Rome.)
  • Paul Embarks On a Third Journey. Priscilla And Aquila Update Apollos
    • (In these connections of apostles I include: Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos, introduced to us in Luke’s account as we continue on Paul’s THIRD mission into all the world with other apostles).

And having done some time there, he went forth, going successively through the Galatian region and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.

Acts of the Apostles 18:23 Disciples’ Literal New Testament

As Paul returns to churches planted in the central inland areas during two previous missionary journeys Luke’s account of other apostles to the gentiles now moves to the coastal city of Ephesus where Apollos – a new believer now proclaims the Gospel alongside Priscilla and Aquila.

Before Luke momentarily moves his account of the acts of apostles from Paul to Apollos, let’s look at one more personal connection of Paul and others to those the apostles of Jesus Christ meet throughout the world of the Roman Empire.

a Connection of Letters

Epistle of Paul to the Romans 1 - the Apostles sends a church letter to Rome and the local saints of area churches
Epistle of Paul to the Romans

Connections to Letters from James

James is leader of the Jerusalem Church in the traditional place where the Lord God has led and shepherded His elect.

Luke has already shown readers of ACTS some important meetings between Peter, Paul and others which included at least one (and probably more) letters from James, the half-brother of Jesus and Pastor of the Jerusalem church, with encouragement for other followers of the Way of Christ Jesus.

A.D. 49 – the COUNCIL of JERUSALEM (which includes Peter & Paul) sends letters to Churches clarifying application of Mosaic LAW to Greeks and Romans as well as these Messianic Jews.

A.D. 52 – By now as PAUL and other APOSTLES depart on this next missionary journey, these ‘fathers‘ of the Church have sent additional epistles (letters) to encourage the Church beyond their personal and present reach.

VISIT our Talk of JESUS .com CATEGORY with posts from any of these NEW TESTEMENT LETTERS

Contemporary Application of the Letters (Epistles)
Most New Testament writers take on specific issues confronting faithful followers of Jesus Christ. These same issues continue to confront believers until the Lord’s coming again in these last days.

Talk of JESUS .com – Church Letters- Is he writing to me?

Connections already made by letter:

A.D. 49 – from our A.D. 2019 series from the Epistle of James

A.D. 49 – from Paul, an apostle.. and all the brothers who are with me

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel

Epistle from Paul, an apostle.. To the churches of Galatia 1:6 NKJV
Here we join Paul in A.D. 52 as the apostle NOW immediately heads to Galatia in person to confirm the Gospel of Christ JESUS to the faithful of these NEW churches.

A.D. 50 – Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

‘.. you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. – 1 Thessalonians 1:7b

A.D. 51 – also from Paul, Silas and Timothy to the Thessalonians:

Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions that you are enduring.

The Judgment at Christ’s Coming
This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering—

2 Thessalonians 1:4-5 ESV

The close connection of all of these men sent out (apostles) continues to nurture these churches even as they head out on a third missionary journey with Paul.

AND later (A.D. 55) as they travel toward Ephesus these apostles will again touch the beloved brothers of the church in Corinth from where they have just departed.


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