Moab and Ammon

What happens when our children are raised in an environment of sin?
(You may not even have been aware of an evil influence of their friends or their frequent interactions with the surrounding evil.)
We don’t know much about the generation of Lot’s daughters or the men whom they were to marry. But we do know this: they lived in the culture of Sodom.
How will they respond to hiding in a cave — hiding away from the world with only their father? What future could they possibly have?
Genesis 19: the legacy of Lot
read it above…
We could veer off onto several paths about sexual sin. I choose not to judge by 21st century standards: Abraham, with two wives and lies to other men or Lot who would be charged GUILTY in the media as the man who went in to his own daughters - it so sadly happens, but God will judge. And I choose not to convict Lot's two daughters either; for in reading the scripture above they give their reasons in a time when only men had power to sustain a family of women and children.
Know simply that Lot’s daughters became the mothers of two additional peoples, as you may observe on the previous map: the Ammonites and the Moabites. They lost their mother, LOT’s wife, and with her all hope of a normal life as part of a family as God had intended. For she turned back.
for the conclusion and warning, please turn to the last page
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