Good News & Bad News
Which would you like to hear first?
‘Apocalypse? How can Good News come out of inescapable consequence,’ you ask?
I’ll answer this mystery as our series progresses, but first please accept my invitation to subscribe to my February 2021 series for Scripture’s answers to some of our most difficult questions.
The END in the beginning
Those enticed by mysteries will sometimes peek at the end of the book for clues of the unraveling of its plot. Rather than beginning this brief series from Chapter 1, Verse 1, or simply summarizing a ‘Sparks Notes’ approach to one of Scripture’s most important books; allow me to quote just part of one verse from an early section to encourage you (perhaps) for now.
Then the kings of the earth and the eminent people.. and the wealthy and the strong.. hid themselves…
Revelation 6:15 excerpt NASB
I did not want to go there — to this Book of Revelation. For after enduring the heated discussion of this month in SHAKEN! and I wanted nothing to do with recent controversary or judgment because I’ve had enough of it already. (How about you?)
The current crises [yes, plural, i.e. COVID, Political unrest, etc.] seem to hold yet more bad news, not good; yet somehow a verse from Revelation comforted me. NO, I claim no special insight into the great mysteries of this Book, but as I read this verse my spirit settled in peace with the promised punishment of the wicked.
The END Revealed + Fear of the Judge!
I’m no king and certainly not eminent in any way — not wealth or strong — hardly fit to judge Kings, Premiers, Presidents, Popes, Prime Ministers, Senators, Representatives, Governors, or any others of the rich and powerful of this land or nations beyond our shores. NO, I do not expect ANY of these to send solutions only the Lord God can accomplish.
Yet I take comfort in Christ Jesus, that HE will return in the end and judge those who have taken what they want for the most part from your life and from mine.
Before we move on though, you’d better read the rest of this verse so that you will know why I was so SHAKEN to reveal it to you.
Revelation 6:
15 Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the generals, the rich, the powerful, and every slave and free person hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
Note that WE THE PEOPLE, those ruled also will want to hide from the Lord on the Day of Judgment!
And they said to the mountains and to the rocks,
“Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb,
because the great day of their wrath has come! And who is able to stand?”
The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle John 6:16-17 CSB
To be continued...
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