The Mirror of Church Hypocrisy

hypocrisy - syncretism, traditionalism, liberalism, and many more

The hypocrisy of Christians becomes most evident in the issues we pursue and the righteousness we do NOT pursue.

I would like to help the unbeliever understand the motives of christians of the church and the issues we most frequently address in the public arena, while ignoring the log in the eyes of our christian private lives.
  • Look at a mirror;
  • look into a mirror;
  • look through a mirror…

what do you see? 

A different image from every perspective.

  1. FALSE IMAGE #1:
    • The Church is NOT the building, whether grand cathedral or quint country landmark with a cross on top.
    • Christians are the ONLY hypocrites. NO, far from it. ALL of us frequently try to put on our best face for others.

The Church is the people, that is: each witness of a particular church and all Christians.

Therefore, wherever people gather (in a church building or anywhere) and what ever we call ourselves (catholic, Baptist, orthodox, born again, etc.); sin remains and hypocrisy dwells nearby.

IF a Christian will admit to you that THEY are the sinner (saved by Christ) who is pleading to you (another sinner), they speak nearer the truth than those who set a standard for unbelievers and will not talk about the fruit of their own lives and family members.

The two issues most frequently associated with the agendas of Christians may be:


The two SINS most evident in the church are:

SEX outside of marriage & DIVORCE.

As brief review of the facts, there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE in the divorce rate of Christians and non-Christians, even though we call our vows “holy” and confirm them as “covenants” with God “… until death do us part.”

And Christian teens (like their christian parents) seem to act just like the world once they hit puberty. Christian families OFTEN have children who are having SEX with others.

HYPOCRISY, as I have confessed throughout the previous calls to christians for REPENTANCE and a return to the Christianity of our proclaimed faith.

HYPOCRISY, THAT A WIFE MAY DIVORCE HER HUSBAND (and call herself a ‘single mom’) and at the same time call herself a ‘christian.’

HYPOCRISY, divorce by christians AND witness against Christ Jesus.

HYPOCRISY that two teens, regular members of the youth group ‘at church,’ are known to be “IN A RELATIONSHIP.”

Where do we think that babies come from? INTERCOURSE; and our TEENS are doing it.

Where do we think abortions come from?

The HYPOCRISY of christians (and other parents) trying to HIDE the evidence of their child’s child!

(OR perhaps they will send the baby quietly away to be adopted by some loving homosexual or other couple.)

Was this God’s plan for families? Was this God’s intention for the generations? Certainly not!

Let me be perfectly clear on my position: ABORTION is a sin. Abortion is the murder of a baby created by God in the womb of the mother from the seed of its father.

A baby is a miracle of life; an abortion is a sentence of death.

As to SEX outside of marriage, it is sin.

DIVORCE is sin, just as intercourse before marriage is sin, just as adultery is sin.  (I have confessed my former sin; never-the-less it remains sin, as it is sin by our children IF we, as parents and the church condone it.)

CHRISTIANS may NOT divorce (but FREQUENTLY do); therefore (as a church), we take on other sexual sin, like homosexuality.

The sins of homosexuality often include many of the same sins of adultery. Never-the-less, these are sins for either the married or the unmarried.

 To be continued…


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