Doctrines of TRUTH in a Common Era of Lies

Doctrine 2024 CE Do you really believe doctrine in the Common Era?

Introduction to the Common Era

WHEN did the Common Era Begin?

Was there an unexpected BIG BANG that exploded TRUTH into truths?

Did centuries of HISTORY defined by the word of Almighty GOD suddenly fall into a bottomless black hole of godless futility?

AND IF, in 2023 C.E. humankind could look back toward 2023 B.C.E.

Would the blurred timeline of History not continue to point toward Christ Jesus born into this common world of sin?

The Common Era (C.E.) continues to count from the year of our Lord (Anno Domini) even as the world of the Common Era continues to use the birth of Jesus Christ as a blurred line Before the Common Era (B.C.E.) of speculative scientific history.

Doctrines of a Common Era christian

Anyone who has read any of my doctrines previously proclaimed here on will realize the orthodoxy of my foundational teaching of ONE Truth from the HOLY BIBLE.

I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie is of the truth.

1st letter of the Apostle John 2:21, Legacy Standard Bible

Do you really believe that? Can you affirm that ONLY Scripture Sola Scriptura is the inspired word of the Lord God? {a recall of a church strayed from Scripture - What doctrine do you preach?)

Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ?

This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 2:22 LSB

YOU know the TRUTH.

Do some blur the LINE of God’s WRITTEN WORD preaching a redefined Jesus

into an acceptable vocabulary of teaching

in a COMMON ERA of corporate inclusiveness?

You know that WE do! For WE preach a King Jesus rarely mentioning Christ or the Cross. 

Certainly we lead with grace and subtle mention of sin. For our one-time only repentance of our past brings US privileges of the present AND a heaven of OUR creation. 
chalkboard - written Sola Scriptura! Only Scripture

Most pulpits NEVER mention the Prophets.

Certainly we FAIL TO WARN of likely persecution of Christ followers and ESPECIALLY the REJECTION of the Church BY YOUR neighbors, friends and biological family into which you were born in this COMMON ERA.

THEREFORE WE build our local church for the worldly of the Common Era

— WE seek multitudes of post-Christian era believers who would be easily led.

So WE the church invite them all into an enticing free love by a rebranded Jesus who saved every one of you simply by bringing you to church one Sunday.

What is Truth?

τί ἐστιν ἀλήθεια  
~A.D. 30 - WHAT IS TRUTH is the dismissive hand-washing question of Pilate at the trial of Christ Jesus, the SON OF GOD who he found NOT guilty YET sentenced to death ON A CROSS for our sins.

From the sin of Adam in a distant century Before Christ until the dark day Pilate and the unrepentant sinful elect killed the sinless Son of Man on a Roman Cross —


From the year of our Lord 30 until today in 2023 of the Common Era

TRUTH is continually redefined by those who know that WE ARE SINNERS, yet deny the Sacrifice of Christ for our sins and REFUSE TO REPENT.

God is truth and anti-Christ’s will always question God-given TRUTH.

Let the faithful follower of JESUS beware — for the CHURCH of the COMMON ERA has intentionally re-branded JESUS by answering questions of the tempter with an acceptable Gospel of what JESUS did NOT really say.

The ‘EVILution’ of the post-Christian church

Several years back I listened to a renowned English theologian preach against the most unlikely pseudo-science of atheist philosophers tirelessly chipping away at the lexicon of God’s long-accepted truth with Darwinist theory continually tweaking and altering the evolution of man and origin of the cosmos.

Rather than using our Americanized pronunciation this British scholar appropriately pronounced the slow progressive rebellion of their humanist-god origin from sudden nothing into a severely-slow shaping of reality from amoebas and apes as “EVILUTION.”

What could be more evil than turning from God and denying the glory of God within our sight and grasp — even for the briefest of mortal times until the inevitable DEATH of our flesh and JUDGMENT of our soul?

One might think that 21st c. Christians of this pseudo-scientific Common Era need not be concerned with such things.

Yet the NOT SO GOOD gospel of these last days suggests that the pulpits and teaching of many ‘christian‘ churches have embraced the ‘EVILution’ of the Common Era, forsaking mention of Christ and fleeing the refining fire of TRUTH given succinctly through Scripture.

In these Last Days of the Common Era

THEREFORE, my fellow follower of the Lord Jesus Christ,

LET US take up THE BOOK once more as we ascend the crumbling wall of christian witness

Recognizing the enemy at our gate

and hearing the DOCTRINES of the enemy within

urging US to open the gates of peace when there is no peace,

PREACHING tolerance in the casual jeans

of the COMMON ERA deception and rejection

of JESUS CHRIST our ONLY Lord and Savior.

a SERIES to weigh and measure God’s Truth



FROM the A.D. 1st-20th centuries

TO this 21st century of the COMMON ERA



Due to LABOR DAY in this 'one nation under God' once having been a STARTING line for POLITICIANS running for office,  
I suppose that WE THE PEOPLE of Jesus and the US might want to begin there on MONDAY, God-willing.

AND Following that, an INTRODUCTORY POST of this SERIES.



One response to “Doctrines of TRUTH in a Common Era of Lies”

  1. Roger Avatar

    John Lennox on God

    GOD (scientifically speaking)

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