God’s Love Through John: Jesus Loves You

NEW: Introduction to September 2018 series on talkofJesus.com Christian Social Witness by Roger Harned. 

God’s Love Through John: Jesus Loves You is one of several series & more than 650 searchable posts published since 2013 . Please add your comments & share via social media.  Blessings. Roger

John, Messenger of God’s Love

This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. – John 21:24
True? You could ask to know about the Lord God or about the Messiah Christ Jesus, but some will always ask of the Gospel, “Who says?” It’s a fair question, since many deceivers have gone out into the world making false claims about God. For our best answer we need to think of John in two entirely different contexts. First as the youngest Apostle of Jesus Christ and lastly, much later as an Elder. The one testifying to the Truth is the last surviving Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Who is John and why does he give us Good News about Christ Jesus?

Our visualization of Jesus and John shows an unparalleled love of a father or teacher for His nearest follower. Therefore, we cannot think of John without thinking of love in the Person of Christ Jesus. John, son of Zebedee and his older brother James, son of Zebedee, both follow Jesus, as do Simon Peter and others. ‘Zebedee and Sons’ could have been the sign for their family fishing business. Simon also made his living as fishermen, perhaps even as a foreman for Zebedee and sons.
And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men. Mark 1:17

His Closest Friends

Who knows Jesus best among the Disciples? And which Disciple remains nearest to the rabbi who claims to be the Truth? His inner circle, comprised of Peter, James and John. True to the nature of the Lord, Jesus chooses humble followers. This Disciple is humble like Moses and a young man like the anointed David. This younger son of Zebedee the fisherman fits the role of an eager servant who loves his Lord and Master.
Young John learns the heart of Jesus and shares his love with us.
So the Lord calls these managers of a Galilean fishing cooperative to become ‘fishers of men.’ He includes Peter, James and John the younger brother in His inner circle of the Twelve. The gospels also reveal that Salome, mother of John and James, followed Jesus. They all love Christ Jesus with an interpersonal familial love.

The Great Commission of Love

One of his disciples, the one Jesus loved, was reclining close beside Jesus. – John 13:23
Jesus then asks of His friends:
“As the Father has loved me, I have also loved you. Remain in my love. – John 15:9
After Jesus’ crucifixion and death all of them return home to their fishing business.
The disciple, the one Jesus loved, said to Peter, “It is the Lord! ”
John 21:7 
When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he tied his outer clothing around him (for he had taken it off) and plunged into the sea. – John 21:7 John would have still been a young man and Simon Peter alive, of course, before the days of his own martyrdom.

Evidence of Truth

The truth and testimony of John’s Good News would have been recorded over several years during his own ministry well into old age.
Most scholars say it was written in the early 90’s. This means that the time span between the original writing of John and its earliest copy (fragment) is approximately 35-45 years. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
The writer of the gospel of John was obviously an eyewitness of the events of Christ’s life since he speaks from a perspective of having been there during many of the events of Jesus’ ministry and displays a good knowledge of Israeli geography and customs. The John Rylands papyrus fragment 52 of John’s gospel dated in the year 125-135 contains portions of John 18, verses 31-33,37-38. This fragment was found in Egypt. It is the last of the gospels and appears to have been written in the 80’s to 90’s.

John, Letters from the Elder

XVI. John The “beloved disciple,” was brother to James the Great. The churches of Smyrna, Pergamos, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, and Thyatira, were founded by him. From Ephesus he was ordered to be sent to Rome, where it is affirmed he was cast into a cauldron of boiling oil. He escaped by miracle, without injury. Domitian afterwards banished him to the Isle of Patmos, where he wrote the Book of Revelation. Nerva, the successor of Domitian, recalled him. He was the only apostle who escaped a violent death. Fox’s Book of Martyrs
John’s three letters to the churches he fathers [mentioned above] are thought to have been written around in about AD 65, some than thirty years after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Research [cited above] indicates that John’s Gospel, recorded on scrolls over a period of years, was likely completed later than John’s letters. Prior to completion of his Gospel, letters would have been delivered to each church (in modern day Turkey). They in turn would be read to the congregation then delivered to the next church on the evangelical circuit. When you want a brief, partial explanation of the Gospel the Disciple John, look to any of his letters.  His letters convey the same great hope through the love of Christ Jesus, sometimes in the very words John later with record in his Gospel.

Christ will have the last Word

Île de Patmos, 1854 de Ivan Aivazovsky
Île de Patmos, 1854 de Ivan Aivazovsky 
The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John may have been written as late as the year 100, when John may have been 70-80 years old.
Jan Massijs – The Apocalypse of Saint John the Evangelist (1563)
I ask you, what demonstration of God’s love could be more encouraging to those who suffer for our faith than witnessing His judgement of evil? John encourages believers in the churches, the same believers he had encouraged by letter. Yet he also warns against many sins. Consequently those who suffer read of a terrible apocalypse to come! For they will be saved by the Lamb of God.
4:4 After this I looked, and there in heaven was an open door. The first voice that I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”
An Elder in heaven converses with John, encouraging believers who have been wronged. Revelation 7:14 Then he told me: These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
He will guide them to springs of living waters, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John 7:17b HCSV
God IS love. Jesus loves. John is the Disciple of love who best conveys God’s own love for you, for me and for those yet to be born again in spirit.

God’s Love Through John: Jesus Loves You To be continued…


2 responses to “God’s Love Through John: Jesus Loves You”

  1. […] you read yesterday’s Scriptural Rerun from this same series ‘God’s Love through John.’ Today’s post from the same 2018 series explores connections of John’s most famous verse […]

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