‘Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel.‘
- Have you ever thought about how you should do it?
- Have you ever considered how Jesus spread the Gospel in just three years of His earthly ministry?

We know the stories. We proclaim the miracles. We know the ending (the Cross) which our Lord’s hearers did not know during Jesus’ three-year mission. We barely understand what the Apostles witnessed first-hand in the fifty days after Christ’s resurrection.
This series from the Gospels is my brief attempt to look at the people who encountered Jesus Christ during His mission on earth – the people who interrupted God Incarnate.
They are the very people to whom Jesus was sent by God the Father. These are the reason for His mission, the gospel of the real flesh and blood human beings like Jesus who received the grace of God the Father first hand and in person.
Jesus’ mission was God’s Personal love for the people who interrupted the brief days of His life on earth.
Our mission for Christ Jesus, the Living God, is also brief; perhaps not a mere three years, but our mission to preach the Gospel and Good News remains.
Jesus IS and our sins are forgiven in Him. God loves you and me. God loves sinners. God our Father loves those who humbly repent and accept His unconditional love, mercy like Jesus showed to so many people during His brief earthly ministry and mission.
To be continued…
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