Whatever your mission, whatever the corporate mission of your church: People are more important than things.

Our mission is not so much what we do or where we go, as it is who we do it for.

My personal mission, your personal mission and the corporate mission of our churches must minimally include two VIP’s:

  2.  Each person we serve.

Your mission may have a long laundry list of things to do and places to do them, but ultimately our mission is to go to another in the Name of God and Jesus Christ, to accomplish the mission of the LORD in the life of another.

Much ado is rightfully made about the great commissionChrist Jesus IS! He alone defeated sin and death. Christ sent His Apostles into ‘all the world’ to preach the Gospel and indeed they went out from Jerusalem into other lands.

Jesus commands us to take the gospel into the world; however before Jesus and His Disciples went into the world, they first saturated the world nearby and the people they knew and loved with the good news: Our salvation is come in Jesus Christ.

Repent! for the kingdom of God is at hand. Worship the LORD. God is our loving Father. Your sins are forgiven.

Matthew 4: English Standard Version (ESV)

Jesus Ministers to Great Crowds

23 And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people.

IF you and I were to take the Gospel into all the world in the fashion of Jesus’ three-year earthly ministry, we would start at home. Galilee was Jesus’ home state. He was known by others in relation to his home town; for many called our Lord, ‘Jesus of Nazareth.’

  • Does your mission to those in your home town and local community show you living a life like Jesus?
  • Is your life good news to your family, your neighbors, your friends?
  • Is your righteousness in Christ Jesus good news of love and forgiveness?
  • Do you dare call your fellow sinners to repentance?
  • Is your daily life an invitation to others to live a godly life like yours?
  • Does your life preach the Gospel throughout all the places you travel in your state and in the world?

Jesus lived, breathed and walked as ‘GOD in the flesh.’

GOD did not send Jesus Christ on a mission of miracles, but on a mission to heal sin and save sinners.

As Jesus taught scripture He demonstrated the saving power of the Word of God. Prior to His death and resurrection Jesus showed us how to be changed in our daily lives. Jesus showed Christians how to love one another as God truly loves us.

GOD loves us Personally, in the incarnate Person of the Son, Christ Jesus.

We have many examples in the four Gospels of how Jesus Christ spread the Good News. Jesus repeatedly set aside the ‘TO DO list’ of His brief journeys to be the Good News for individuals personally.

To the LORD, people are more important than things.

The NIT’s (Not Important Things) of our “Mission” seem to steal mortal time from the VIP’S (Very Important People) of our lives.

Jesus Christ has a mission to take the Gospel into the whole world. Our Lord’s mission always takes time for the VIP’s God would save from sin and death.

Do you have time for these in the mission of your life?

In our next series [August, 2015] we will examine the Mission of Jesus in the Gospels and look to His example of how our Lord took time to interrupt His Mission to minister to the VIP’s to whom He is sent.


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