A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 13

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…” echoed the near-silent words of the graveside.

I thought of the stark contrast of the graveside scene to the love and glory of the depiction of Heaven in the little girl’s picture.  I smiled with joy.

Amen,” the words of the graveside service confirmed in my heart.

They now seemed to be speaking to my soul, rather than to the clutter of noise in my ears and my thoughts.

Everyone left the graveside. I watched as the casket was lowered… and then I left.


It had always seems too difficult to glorify God on earth. We really do love our sin and hate God.

Yet that day and one picture had changed everything.

Jesus was now real. Jesus was now: God in the flesh — flesh and blood, broken and shed for me. His love even for a sinner like me.

I thought of the picture of Jesus carrying a lamb.

I thought again of the weightier significance of a childhood song:

Jesus loves me

This I know

For the Bible

Tells me so.

 I am weak

But He is strong

It’s for His love

That I now long.

I think the kid’s verse is different, but this is what I was thinking.  It’s what I was singing in my heart.  And I had His joy – like a lamb warmly held in His arms.  I was safe from the world now.

Jesus loves me, this I know… and I had a little girl to thank… a little girl with a picture of heaven.


Conclusion to follow tomorrow; but in case you missed any chapters or want to SHARE: 

A Picture of Heaven – prologue.


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