Some refer to the ‘place’ where the church shares in corporate worship as family of Christ Jesus as “the sanctuary.” (Of course, the “church” is the worshipers.) 

Exodus 25:8 KJV And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.

The place may be worthy of the grandeur of the Living God or the place may be so humble as a servant’s living room; never-the less, where two or more are gathered in Jesus’ Name, we gather together in His sanctuary.

Let the worshipers of Jesus our Lord come to the sanctuary of His Holy Presence.


Sanctuary is a peaceful word for souls distracted by sin, hearts gathering safely into the worship of our Savior, Christ Jesus.

Sometimes (like Jesus: in the wilderness… in a place away from the crowds… in a garden or olive grove… in Gethsemane…) we must get away from ALL of the DISTRACTION and noise of the world.

Let the faithful enter into the sanctuary of our Father’s rest.

It may be an empty sanctuary; perhaps a prayer closet; maybe a place in the woods where few feet tread. Maybe you just drive to a place where the lights and noise of the city fade from your rear view mirror into unending scene of mountain or seashore, stream or meadow.

Peace. Sanctuary. A place and a time with God alone: we must find it. We much make a place for it. We must take time for it.

Some crave the sanctuary and relationship of this time with God.

It is more than just meditation. It is more than just talking to yourself. It is more than memories and more than planning ahead. It is much more than just asking what… or asking ‘WHY?’

Sanctuary is our place of PRAYER.

Sanctuary is that HOLY PLACE where God’s Presence hears and answers our prayers of faith. 

Catacombs of Priscilla in Rome
I was once one of many Christian tourists surprised to discover that many first century Christians in Rome worshiped in the sanctuary of the catacombs, burial places of the dead.

catacomb tombs

There they could not only meet safely out of sight of their persecutors, but there too (when corporate worship was no longer safe in their homes, as is the case in MANY places in 21st century China, most Arab countries and much of the continents of Africa and Asia), no doubt Christians found in this place to where our dust does return: a sanctuary.

After having spent some hours of several days for many years praying to God in the ‘memorial gardens’ we call the ‘cemetery,’ I find sanctuary and peace in knowing that this is NOT the place where our soul will reside, but a time of rest for our wearied flesh.

Will the dust of your wearied soul bow down to worship the Lord? Will your aching bones and soiled flesh be cleansed in His overflowing love?

Will you invite His peace to dwell in your heart?

Would you have sanctuary in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior?

I pray for this: for you and for others of His dear loved ones.

Turn from our distractions of the flesh and embrace the peace of Christ Jesus.


“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:25-26



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