Tag: agape

  • Judgment begins with God’s household – a letter from Peter 8

    Judgment begins with God’s household – a letter from Peter 8

    Our Attitude in these Last Days

    For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

    1 Peter 4:17 KJV

    I begin with Peter’s pointed call to account of the church and Christians from the King James Version of the Bible, judgment of our own actions first.

    Previously, Peter referred to the end of the living and the dead. He urges us:

    So, since Christ suffered in the flesh, you also arm yourselves with the same attitude… 1 Peter 4:1a NET Bible

    Now Peter will point every believer toward service and suffering in these last days when our attitudes must match that of Christ Jesus, as well as judgment of all for our words and actions after this brief mortal life.

    Living Stones

    Do you recall that Peter has called us; “faithful followers of Christ,” that is; living stones of the Temple of God with Christ as the cornerstone?

    If you follow Peter’s imagery of our saved souls building upon the foundation of Christ’s love, then every Christian believer in the living Church of His Body and Blood must adopt an attitude like Jesus.

    Peter has already urged us (the church):

    As you come to him, a living stone—rejected by people but chosen and honored by God— you yourselves, as living stones, a spiritual house, are being built to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

    1 Peter 2:4-5 CSB

    Therefore, Peter now tells us how we must live as holy priests representing the Lord God before an unsaved and evil world.

    End Time Ethics

    1 Peter 4:7-19

    The end of all things is near; therefore, be alert and sober-minded for prayer.

    Be alert (pay attention). Be sober, reads the KJV; defined in this context: to be of sound mind and exercise self-control.

    What do you think of your church leaders… our local leaders… even national leaders? Do you ever wonder if they pay attention and are of sound mind? For some certainly exercise little self-control.

    Paul instructs the church not to be like those who are not sober and to ‘watch unto prayer’KJV

    The same Apostle to the Gentiles who often asks, “pray also for me,” urges the church to be on watch (while others sleep in this present darkness). And pray to God concerning the things yet to come, even death — even judgment of all souls.

    The Love of Christians

    Peter next begins, “Above all things; that is, what I am about to say is of superior importance to you in these last days, beloved brother in Christ.

    ἔχω ἐκτενής ἀγάπη εἰς ἑαυτοῦ
    echō ektenēs agapē eis heautou

    … fervent in your love for one another …

    … have fervent charity among yourselves…

    1 Peter 4:8b NASB, KJV

    Above all things… Maintain constant love; Christ’s fervent brotherly love between each other, my fellow ‘Christians,’ We MUST love one another as Jesus has loved us.

    Do WE do that – this agape love for each other in the church?

    Charity is a true definition of this much maligned love – kindness and tenderness, a true caring among all the family of Christ’s body, the church.

    We all sin just like unbelievers do, so Peter tells us (the saints of the church) to do this as witness of Christ’s love for His body the church.

    8 [NASB] Above all, maintain constant love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins.

    I certainly have a multitude of sins Christ covers. Do you?

    Jesus also told us why this agape love between Christians is so important.

    And because iniquity shall abound, the love G26 of many shall wax cold.

    By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love G26 one to another.

    The words of Jesus: Matthew 24:12, John 13:35 KJV

    Serving each other

    Peter instructs us:

    9 Be hospitable to one another without complaining. 10 Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.

    And just as Peter has instructed us to watch what we say and be careful in what we do, he applies this to God’s will.

    • 11 If anyone speaks, let it be as one who speaks God’s words;
    • if anyone serves, let it be from the strength God provides…

    Peter provides motivation for our specific service to God within the body of Christ, the church:

    … so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ in everything.

    To which the Apostle adds a praise:

    To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.

    Suffering & Persecution

    Beloved – ἀγαπητός agapētos

    We see genuine examples of Christ’s agape love in all the Apostles. Although we tend to think of the tender heart of young John and of Peter as a brash follower of Jesus, here Peter addresses those he loves of the church in the same way that an older John does in his letters.

    We feel the compassion of Peter’s approach to these brothers (and sisters) who like him are persecuted for the sake of Christ.

    Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

    1 Peter 4:12 KJV

    Some versions of the Bible begin this: “Dear friends,” which we tend to dismiss so casually, as if in the salutation of an impersonal letter. This appeal of Peter’s is far from impersonal. Beloved, a true Christian attitude and appropriate translation of ‘agapetos‘ fits perfectly into the context of our relationships in the body of Christ Jesus. He IS the head, beloved, and sore wounded for our sins.

    Christ’s sufferings and ours

    13 Instead, rejoice as you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may also rejoice with great joy when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are ridiculed for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

    Christ’s glory will be revealed to all the world when the judgement of the end has come. Will you be with Jesus then because you are for Jesus now even in your suffering?

    Once again the translation of the King James Version is more pointed in comparing our motivations now to those who suffer for doing evil.

    15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters.

    16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

    Judgment must begin in the house of God

    For the time has come for judgment to begin with God’s household, and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God?

    1 Peter 4:17 CSB

    It’s time for judgment!

    Judgment, you ask? Why does Peter tell persecuted Christians that the time for judgment has come? And more pointedly, what does Peter mean by saying that judgment begins with ‘God’s household,’ specifically us?

    We tend to think of judgment only as a sentence by a judge or worse, the punishment of a law-breaker; but this narrow view is not entirely correct and does not encompass Peter’s meaning.

    κρίμα {from κρίνω}

    From a greek root meaning to separate, approve, judge or resolve; Peter’s meaning here [krima] may also mean: condemnation of wrong, the decision (whether severe or mild) which one passes on the faults of others.

    Peter calls on the saints of the church to judge ourselves first. Jesus, in fact, used the same word calling for self-conviction before the accusation of others.

    “For in the way G2917 you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.

    Matthew 7:2 NASB

    Peter points back to the wisdom of Proverbs 11:31, calling on us to be righteous, for righteousness in Christ is our redeemed measure of God.

    Proverbs 11:

    30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
    and a wise person captivates people. 
    31 If the righteous will be repaid on earth,
    how much more the wicked and sinful.

    Peter’s application of Judgment

    18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

    19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

    King James Version (KJV)
    Public Domain

    To be continued...

  • My Love – 7 – Love never ends…

    My Love – 7 – Love never ends…

    1 Corinthians 13

    The Way of Love (agape)

    7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    8 Love never ends.

    Once again, the ‘love‘ we proclaim though scripture from this letter of Paul to the church at Corinth is the agape love of God. Christ’s love and perfect earthly example should permeate every kind of love relationship we have with others, including of course, the love of a husband for his wife and a wife for her husband.

    You can never love too much.

    You can love in the wrong way,

    but never too much.

    Suppose we take the famous scripture of the ‘love chapter’ and put it into the context of ‘The Four Loves’ described by C.S. Lewis of the four Greek words for love. And let’s take this a step further for a moment and begin with the way the world first thinks when the word love is mentioned:

    Eros bears all things, Eros believes all things, Eros hopes all things, Eros endures all things.  Eros love never ends.

    Is this true?

    I can testify by my own divorces that eros love (romantic love) often bears little, believes only at first, hopes less and less and indeed Eros love does end. This, of course, is why our vows before God are so important to our Christian marriages.

    The same could be said of friendship love or affectionate love. Friendships certainly end and so all-too-often does the affectionate love of a parent for a child or child for parent. These tragic endings fill counseling offices and psychiatrist couches.

    Love frequently does end; the other loves fail.

    Therefore I caution us that we can indeed love in the wrong way. We often do not, as sinful and unfaithful human souls, look at love from the perspective of God.

    We think that we have only so much love we can give – only so much friendship we can give – only so much love for one child or for our mom or for our dad to give – only so much we can endure and hope and believe for the love of our life, the wife or husband of our vows. After all, ‘we are only human.’ We are limited in the flesh; we are limited in our love for one another.

    All this would be true, except for the one love for which we were created by God – agape love, which permeates our very being and relationships to every other.

    You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength and all your mind. (Sound familiar?)

    Other loves only become timeless in the overflowing love of Jesus Christ when the deep well of God’s love pours forth from our sinful hearts into the love-starved souls of others.

    We are made for Him and we are made for each other. We are created to love each and all; but only in the right way and with the love of God pouring from us.

    When we are empty, God will give us more.

    When we have given all, God will give us more.

    When we cannot bear this soul, God will give us more.

    When we can no longer believe, God will give us more.

    When we have lost all hope, God will give us more.

    When we cannot endure, God will give us more.

    When we think our Eros romance

    or our Philia friendship 

    or our Storge affection

    will end;

    God will give us more.

    For Agape love is not only unconditional,

    the Agape love of God is eternal.

    Agape love never ends.

    The King James English actually encourages us in God by assuring:

    Charity never faileth.

    And the NASB & other versions translate agape: Love never fails.

    Yes, Paul points out that other signs of God working in the lives of the church may fail at times. (We are just a gathering of His imperfect sinners.)

    God gives us His gifts to use in His way in our mortal time.

    Pour forth the unfailing love of Christ Jesus. Embrace every soul in His love.

    (Love one another, as I have loved you, our Lord commands.)

    The love of the church may be evident through varying gifts to different saints (Christians) as different times. Yet Love never fails. God’s own love and charity towards us never fails His purpose.

    It is appropriate reminder to us as I conclude this 7-part series on My Love, to remind us of the love of God for me, a sinner, and for you.

    God has not failed us.

    The Cross of Christ Jesus never fails.

    We are saved by the grace of the sacrifice of our Lord, Christ Jesus.

    As we near the end of these last days I appeal once more to your faithfulness to the Lord Who IS faithful to those who love Him. Be faithful to God in every kind of love God so richly gives to you from the deep spring of His eternal love.

    Have you failed in your love? Have you failed God? Have you failed your beloved to whom you are wed? Have you failed a friend? Have you failed a parent or a child who needs your unconditional love?

    ekpiptō – to fall out of, to fall down from, to fall off; to fall from a thing, to lose it; to perish, to fall: from a place from which one cannot keep,  from a position, to fall powerless, to fall to the ground, be without effect of the divine promise of salvation

    In Christ Jesus, we have God’s unfailing love. By grace we cannot fall. God’s love never fails.

    Peter reminds the faithful of the importance of us not failing Christ Jesus, if indeed He IS our LORD.

    2 Peter 3: NKJV

    10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?

    17 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand,

    beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked;

    18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

  • My Love – 6 – If I have not love

    My Love – 6 – If I have not love

    ‘I’m not happy.’

    ‘I met someone’

    IF you claim to be a follower of the Bridegroom of the church, Jesus Christ and things don’t go quite your way, would you tell Jesus to ‘get out’?

    Would you look for someone better, who might make you happy in this world?

    (Did God really say, “Don’t eat of the fruit of that tree?”)

    IF you are unfaithful to Christ’s love, would it not be adultery?

    christian whoreThough you claim to be a follower of Jesus, so had Judas!

    This is the unfortunate false witness of some with a cross in front of their home, ‘christianity’ claimed before ‘friends’ as religion, their stamp of approval before the world. These claim many things by the ‘Blood of Jesus,’ yet their more bold witness of worldly sins again crucifies hope in His body and true Bride, the church.

    Some have heard the following, even at weddings, known as the ‘love chapter.’

    IF Jesus Christ is your love, listen then to true love, you adulterers of Christ!

    1 Corinthians 13

    The Way of Love

     If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

    I have heard in churches the noisy gongs of ‘single moms,’ divorced grandmas and others clanging the noise of their own ‘higher’ worship, ‘tongues of angels,’ God’s messengers; as if we should follow these women, rather than Christ Jesus as Lord. Will they who are not bowed down to their husband or any man in Christ not lead the faith astray with their babel?

    And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

    I have heard prophesy given in the church. Is it from God? Why then did the church not record the very prediction of God given? Is the prophesy confirmed and witnessed to the glory of our Lord, Christ Jesus? Yes, sometimes; but believer beware of the wolves in our midst.

    Have you not endured some claiming such superior knowledge and understanding of mysteries who would teach us of their ‘faith to remove mountains’ in their Sunday school class or church small group?

    Did you experience the embrace of Christ’s love in their Pharisaical instruction? Did you hear love for you in their teaching or prophesy?

    I, too, have received prophesy and spoken it. The revelation of the Lord is a terrible and awesome thing!

    Some prophesy has not yet come to pass. For all I know, I may have been given some spirit of deception to accomplish the Lord’s overpowering purpose. Yet in these last days we must fear the Lord, always listening for the approaching trumpet of truth over the blaring cries of some claiming ‘understanding.’

    Read your Bible and pray for revelation by the Spirit of Truth in scripture.

    If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

    And though I bestow,‘ states the King James; bestow, an interesting word more related to charity as we understand it – charity, agape love of God, used in application throughout these verses of the love chapter.

    Bestow: to feed by putting a bit or crumb (of food) into the mouth; of infants, young animals etc.; to feed, nourish to give a thing; to feed someone, feed out to

    Feed on God’s word in scripture. Nourish your spirit in prayer.

    Does this not also bring to mind the love a father and a mother, given to their child, their teen, their grown adult children, even their spouse given in marriage into your own family? Is this not also the gift of adoption given by our Heavenly Father through Christ to gentile believers (like most of us)?

    Are we not all poor and needy, dependent on our Father’s forgiving gracious love?

    Though I give to the poor, but have not love…

    Is that our charity of witness?

    Now that I have shared the seriousness of God’s love for us, allow me to share the more familiar actions of love often and appropriately shared at weddings:

    Love is patient and kind;

    love does not envy or boast;

    it is not arrogant 5

     or rude.

    Are you patient to your spouse, to whom you are joined to each other and God by your vows?

    Is your husband (or wife) patient with you – patient for you?

    Is your love for your beloved partner until death – kind?

    Are you, dear father, and you, dear mother, kind to your son – kind to your daughter – kind to each and all of your children (obedient and faithful, or rebellious and hateful)? Are you kind to your adopted child, your step-child, your child (even an adult child) given into your nurture by God to raise and guide in the Lord, Christ Jesus?

    Is your love patient and kind even to your prodigal teen?

    Is your love for your spouse, your children, your brothers and sisters in Christ ALWAYS patient and kind? Lord help us, impatient and unkind sinners!

    It does not insist on its own way;

    it is not irritable or resentful;

    it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

    Are you just another ‘spoiled child’ of God in your relationships with others in your daily life?

    Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Lord: Convict us and forgive us, for the sake of your Son, our loving Savior, Jesus Christ. Help me – help us to love you more and more; help us, miserable saved sinners, to love those you love with your overflowing agape love.

    Love never ends.

    To be continued…

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