How does a veil torn in the Temple on Good Friday connect all Jews to Christians of the 21st century Church?

And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. – Mark 15:38
Good Friday
Before we turn to the actual script of this pivotal event in history, allow me to place you into a fictional Good Friday scene as one witness to what is about to take place with the veil of the Temple.
I trust that you understand the imagery and symbolic significance of this scene set within the Temple.
First century Jerusalem during the week of Passover festival.
In fact, on this most fateful day prior to the Sabbath of the sacred Passover feast, crowds larger than usual have already witnessed unprecedented scenes convicting Jesus of Nazareth of sedition against Caesar and blasphemy against G-d.
The politics of Jerusalem and Rome have impacted you your entire life.
Inside the Temple after Jesus’ trials and predetermined death sentence on a cross.
Picture a fictional scene near the HOLY OF HOLIES in first century Jerusalem. The veil of the Temple is always closed.
Just you (or so it seems).
Other Levite priests may also be near in other parts of the Temple, also performing their regular duties away from the massive crowds.
Imagine that you witness this Good Friday event as a Levite in first century Jerusalem (under Annas, Caiaphas and the seventy of the Sanhedrin, and also under King Herod Antipas Tetrarch, Judean Governor Pilate and of course Tiberias Caesar).
The lights dim..
The curtain opens (so to speak) .. as the scene before us unfolds…
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