YOU are a VIP in our community of Christian Readers

Readers SHARE a brief comment about your favorite Christian book.

  • Do you read Christian fiction?
  • Do you read Christian non-fiction?
  • Do you spend online time browsing Goodreads or writing brief reviews?

If so, YOU are a VIP in our community for Christian Social Witness of READERS.  Therefore, we want to hear from you.

Simply comment here in the short time you would discuss a BOOK over coffee (perhaps tea and a cookie) while your wireless wanders though your social circles where you hardly mention Jesus.

Take a moment to SHARE your reader review of a Christian book as a relaxing treat of the day for your mind, spirit, & taste buds:

  • PLEASE contribute to one of our conversations. (Keep it short.)
  • TELL someone what you think about their thought. (The truth spoken in love.)
  • COME BACK and READ what others say to you.

SOME of us have answers.  LET’S SHARE our thoughts with others.

Do you have a favorite Christian book you want to tell your friends all about as witness to Jesus?

  •  BRING your FRIENDS into our community relationship of READERS who LOVE BOOKS & want to ASK about GOD.
  • Or SHARE something about your witness to the BIBLE.
  • SHARE your comments on your favorite Christian books as Christian Social Witness to your ‘friends, followers and circles.’

ALL of us have questions.  LET’S ASK our questions here about Jesus.

“ASK and it shall be given to you. SEEK and you shall find.

Luke 11:9-10

MOST of us spend TOO LITTLE TIME with those of like mind (other Christians — especially online).

Let’s stay connected to one another through real conversation with our brothers, sisters, and neighbors we love most.

SHARE your Christian Social Witness +


Make yourself at HOME.  Please BOOKMARK our Christian READER COMMUNITY.

Thank you for asking.  Come back soon. Just knock.

PS – A Picture of Heaven begins NEXT Monday 2 September, 2013 as a daily serial post FREE, only on + Christian Social Witness.

“The door of Christ’s love is always open for you at – Christian Social Witness for all Christian faiths.


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