In case you missed the intro to this three-part series, we are talking about the fishbowl of Preacher’s kids and the qualifications and qualities of church leadership. ALL looking into the families of faith we call ‘church‘ from the outside expect much moral modeling, love and grace.

(Oh, by the way, in that sense 
ALL who claim Christ are Preacher's kids.)

Qualifications of a Leader & his wife

(It’s a long and challenging list.)

Certainly the Preacher’s wife and Preacher’s Kids are also viewed in the spotlight of this higher standard. May God help them.


Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

1 Peter 2:11

1 John 2:1

1 Timothy 1 & 3

Original post

from June 18, 2014 – Topic: Qualifications of a Leader & his wife
Summer Reruns! with picture of sun wearing sunglasses
Summer 2021 AD {Scriptural} Reruns
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(ditto: Summer 2022 – more to come)


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