Kings, Governors, Politicians & Priests 2– Pontius Pilate

painting of pontius pilate

What Governor is like Pontius Pilate?

  • Can you think of a 21st century court where in some way Jesus is on trial?
    • What is the charge against this man?
  • Who Judges Jesus?
    • Who are the political leaders today who represent Jesus to a 21st century world?
  • Does Jesus serve our government?
  • Do those politicians who claim Christ do so as His Servants?
  • In what ways are politics the same in Judea of Rome or the United States of America?

What to you think?

How does the trial of Jesus Christ by Pilate apply to me as a 21st c.

What is my answer about Jesus Christ to the court of this world?

Let’s talk of Jesus, dear friend. Please comment and or email me.

In Christ Jesus our Lord

your brother, Roger

Pages: 1 2


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