Many of His Disciples Left Him – John 6:66

leaving jesus
Updated August 21, 2023

At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him.

John 6:66  

Walking away from Christ

Here is a Gospel commentary you might not consider Good News.

It looks like the church is walking away from Jesus Christ. And church leaders do very little to take the ‘controversial Gospel’ of Christ Jesus into a world which has long ago walked away from God.

“Many christians walk away from the church.  Biblical preaching is too confrontational for our daily lives.

Many churches accommodate worldly sin as accepted doctrine.  Such preaching and failure to separate the Holiness of Christ’s Church from the sins of the flesh is NOT Biblical.  The atheist pulpits expect no miracles; nor will they be prepared for the Last Day.

“The Bible is confrontational. Religious institutions as Temples of tradition will be torn down by the same crowds they once accommodated. – August 20, 2013 A.D. (soon to become the ‘common era’)

a Challenge of the Gospel of John

Yet what happened to Jesus?  

The crowds rejected Him.  

The Religious establishment remained for a time, then the Temple fell [A.D. 70], as had its religious leaders long before.  

Jesus did not strike down the Pharisees (as political Caesars do each other). Or did the Son of the Most High God take over the Temple.

Rather, He became our Sacrifice on its Altar.

the Chaff of ‘christian’ Unbelievers

What would cause the unthinkable thing of disciples turning away from Jesus — the so-called faithful to turn away and desert our Lord Jesus?

 To back up a little in John’s Gospel, Jesus said:

63 The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

64 But some of you do not believe me.”

Men and women followed JESUS when it was 'the thing to do.' The number of Jesus' disciples multiplied again and again. But when their KING would not seize their imagined National Throne for the country of God most looked for another savior.

Do you believe Christ Jesus? 

He does not say that is doesn’t matter what you do.  What we do as witnesses of Jesus as Lord of our life matters greatly.  However, nothing we do – no acts which merit praises of men – can accomplish anything to save our soul from hell.

Remember the miracle of feeding the 5000?  

They would have made Jesus King right there on the spot.  But our Lord fled.

Most leaders of a 21st c. church (unlike the Lord Jesus) would taken credit for their miracle, make certain to collect the offering and most likely fail to mention God, the Bible or Jesus Christ.

The crowds of disciples found and followed Jesus.  

“Give us more miracles – show more of  this Kingly power” —

Isn’t that is our typical human response (rather than thankfulness for God’s provision and blessing)?  

No more miracles; no more disciples.

We'll find another religious leader for our kingly church vision.

Is the Christ of the Cross GOOD NEWS?

John 6;

41 Then the people began to murmur in disagreement because he had said,

“I am the bread that came down from heaven.”

51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread, which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh.”

52 Then the people began arguing with each other about what he meant.

“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” they asked.

53 So Jesus said again,

“I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you. But anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise that person at the last day.

Gospel of John 6:53b-54 ASV

Do you, dear believer, murmur and complain that Jesus isn’t doing much for Christians in these last days?

“Lord, to whom would we go?

67 Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked,

“Are you also going to leave?”

68 Simon Peter replied,

“Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. 69 We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God.”


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