Page TWO – Christ Jesus, Lord for a 21st c. Church

the rest of the story... page 2 - Jesus Christ, Lord for a 21st century church and picture of manual typewriter

NEW – Page TWO

This NEW approach for posts replicates an interactive technique used for centuries: introduce the story and characters, then interrupt the storyline briefly to provoke thought about the story. The author’s design is for you to respond to the storyteller.

As author of most posts here I ask you:
Do you talk of Jesus?
After you read Scripture, do you comment or respond to the writer with a question?

Page TWO:

Thanks to Paul Harvey for this engaging media concept of communication developed for radio in the 20th century.

Story telling goes back beyond the ancient oral traditions of the Bible. Scripture; however much like contemporary BREAKING NEWS, it often reveals only page one of a continuing story.

Sometimes as Christians we need to turn the page from a first century impact of Christ Jesus as revealed in Scripture — to questions we should ask if we could talk of Jesus Christ in this 21st century. We need to think about the story of the Lord and project our conversation into contemporary application.

The BIBLE still applies to a contemporary church of struggling saints of these last days.

Roger Harned –

So as struggles of these last days unfold I ask you, my fellow followers of Christ Jesus, to turn to Page TWO.

On ‘Page TWO’ I’ll ask you questions and earnestly desire your answers or your questions.

Let’s talk of Jesus as if the Lord’s life after His death for our sins and glory of Christ’s resurrection applies to us – His saints of His Church.

Will you apply Scripture to what the Lord would have us do now, in this year of our Lord Jesus Christ twenty-one centuries into these last days?

Page TWO - Please click Page 2 below for the questions.

Pages: 1 2


One response to “Page TWO – Christ Jesus, Lord for a 21st c. Church”

  1. Roger Harned Avatar

    I read an interesting comment today about a life verse which surprised me: Psalm 119:9, which focuses on our self-discipline in 8 verse sections and is best recited out loud (according to the author).
    NOTE: All comments on are moderated (unlike most social media) and I keep some private by request in addition to not sharing email questions and comments. RH

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