Read: Luke 10:24-26
(Don’t miss the question which sets the stage of this most famous parable of Jesus.)
Parable of the GOOD Samaritan
A Democrat, a Republic and an Indian were going down from Washington to..
NO, that’s not it.
An evangelical christian, a jew and an Indian were going down from the Capitol to..
NO, that’s not it either.
What was the QUESTION of the Lawyer?
Were you listening?
(IF you don't know it or don't really care anything about the relationship between GOD and humans in need of charity, no sense clicking ANY of the links below.)

‘If you want a religion to make you feel good about yourself I certainly don’t recommend Christianity’ either, but that wasn’t the QUESTION by the lawyer to Jesus, was it?
(For Christians, Jews, and everybody else)
Facebook link below:
What if WE become the one by the side of the road?
Who do YOU hope will ACT like the ‘Good Samaritan?’
A personal application
Near the end of this brief sermon Alistair, after bringing in politics and the like mentions ‘christians’ in rather contemporary terms, then mentions more serious ACTS of the church in earlier generations.
Are we missing it, my fellow Samaritan?
Next week Rochelle will be admitted to Christ Hospital for surgery. I ask your prayers for us, but also your consideration of why anyone would call their hospital by the Name of Christ.

We could have chosen Jewish Hospital (aka Mercy Health), after all, we have some beloved and blessed Jewish physicians involved who practice at both. When I grew up in the Youngstown area patients with some of the most serious needs could be helped at Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital (named for a saint of the church, but now also owned my Mercy Health.)

Have you asked yourself lately:
What must I do to live after I die?
Read more above OR listen.
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