What now?

talk to Roger@talkofjesus.com


Christian Social Witness

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Mark 16:15 – the words of the Messiah Jesus

Seven Years

by Roger Harned

  • Over 800 posts
  • Mostly exposition of Scripture
  • from nearly every book of the Bible
  • Searchable by topic or keyword
  • linked to secure reliable sources
  • reaching five continents and translatable to other languages

We need to talk

Unfortunately, I sit in silence even in the congregation, for even my brother does not want of the love of Christ or fellowship of the His body.

No one, not even the preachers, want to talk of Jesus!

Do we, as “christians,” have nothing in common in Christ?

With our brothers of His church?

We DO need to talk & I need to hear from you.

Typically, I reevaluate the direction of my witness for Christ Jesus on talkofJesus.com at the beginning of each new year (beginning in August).

Would you give me cause to be thankful by reading ANY post on talkofJesus.com?

IF you would have a conversation with me, to “talk of Jesus,”

simply email me:


God-willing, I will reply IF any write.

May our Lord, Christ Jesus, bless you in your love for Him and your fellow member of His body.


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