Christian Readers  Bloggers & Authors TALK of Jesus Christ our Lord:

A new Christian #social community officially launching as a group of followers of Christ Jesus to SHARE with one another and witness to others. + Christian Social Witness

Join us: (officially) Monday, 2 September, 2013


For your first post:

Simply copy what you would like to post and paste it into a comment in any appropriate category.

  • One way is to follow this LINK to
  • If you plan to join us regularly, just ask for an appropriate log-in for additional posts.  CLICK REGISTER at the bottom of our site.


Here are a few general guidelines, but we want to keep it simple (fellow redeemed sinners) [KISS] and you have much grace with Jesus.

To choose a category: Scroll over the category list on the right sidebar to see descriptions.CHOOSE THE BEST CATEGORY (only one) 

  • Try to keep your TITLE short & include the KEYWORD that best summarizes your post.
  • Insert an Eye-catching cover photo that visually attracts readers to your post.

 by YOUR Name 

 IN ALL CATAGORIES AND POSTS: It is best if you can have a HEADLINE near the TOP.  It could be separate from the text of your post OR part of it.  (LATER, I intend to make these #Tweetable.)

HEADLINE examples:

Your HEADLINE in a Bible Quote of the Day OR for a longer (short to medium) Category post could be the actual Bible verse.  Many have great impact.

And don’t overlook a picture headline, with or without a Bible verse from another site

Pinterest and other eye-catching sites, even your blog or an author/reader / publisher book site), may have the visual headline to make your KEY point for you.


Christian Social Witness must be brief.  Here are a couple of examples I like:

PLEASE CONSIDER that anyone wanting to SHARE YOUR POST as Christian witness with their friends, followers, and social circles is looking for ‘a quick fix,’ NOT a sermon.  Be BRIEF.

  • ONE or TWO brief statements on your topic are probably sufficient in MOST cases.


IF you have friends from church or work, encourage them to share a comment on your post to – Christian Social Witness

Please SHARE this post OR our home page on your ‘OTHER’ online Social pages.



  • If your personal witness is important to your choice of a scripture or book, tell us why?
  • “READERS want to know about Authors of blogs or books .

“Social surfers want to know WHY you chose to write or blog about a Bible verse or topic that resonates in their heart.  SHARE your Christian Social Witness THROUGH your personal story.

  • As an author, writer or regular blogger you may want to include a very BRIEF bio BEFORE what you write.


PLEASE include Scripture verse links to your favorite version. (I can help you with this if you do not know how to insert links, but not every time.)  Check the box to have ALL links open in a new window.  You may add links to other helpful and related sites as well; after all, part of our witness is to SHARE Christ-centered real-life help to our family and friends.

“If you have a powerful closing thought, quote it.

The conclusion of your post is the best place to promote your own website or blog.  Just give it a mention about your content or bio and provide a link.

Ex. Please visit [REVIEWER FIRST NAME]’s website about [your main ministry]. [Hyperlinked]

  • PLEASE post as many Scriptural Posts and book reviews as you would like.
  • The mission of our Christian Social Witness is involvement of MANY to read about JESUS CHRIST and the BIBLE and to
  • SHARE through our posts on Scripture (brief or medium length).
  • Christian readers also want more trusted non-author reviews of Christian books by other READERS like them.

(Most of us read Christian fiction or non-fiction.) IF you are willing to review a book, your shared witness may inspire some of your friends to read what you like. (If you do not have those guidelines, I will be more than happy to email them.)


ANY Christian of ANY faith is WELCOME as our brother or sister in Christ Jesus & should want to SHARE their unique personal Christian Social Witness.

Our Christian community is an online church in the same sense of the house churches of the first century. We MUST be an example of the love of Jesus for each other as witness to those who have NO social or actual community of any who truly care for their souls and struggles.


A gentle caution: I will moderate your posts of Christian Social Witness.  Do witness the truth in love.Ephesians 4:15 

I oppose any opposed to Jesus Christ. I do NOT agree with much false teaching. Let Christ judge.  NO posts specifically pointed against ANY denomination, church or preacher.  (Yes, I have boldly commented against public statements of prominent ‘christians’ who claim witness in public arenas and media {or refuse to witness Jesus Christ as representatives of their faith or church}).  Take your agendas and controversies elsewhere. Do not misrepresent us or Jesus.

We will not allow our Social Witness for Jesus Christ to be diminished in the watching eyes of the social circles of the world.  Do not be the ‘mis-guided preacher’ or wayward ‘christian’ church-goer with much bad fruit to witness against Christ Jesus as our Lord.


“Jesus IS either our Lord or He is NOT. Our Christian Social Witness must SHARE: Jesus IS Lord. + Christian Social Witness is an additional ministry for me, in addition to working on my book manuscript for a 2014 release.  I’m trying to make it easy and quick for YOU to post & keep everything about our site simple (KISS).


I would prefer (for now), until + Christian Social Witness has more posts in all categories:

  • To post only one book per author (exception, books of deceased Christian authors)
  • Post only brief headline-type of teasers, with a link to the reviewer website like Goodreads with the full review.

Thank you.

May our Lord Christ Jesus bless you.  Please do not hesitate to email me any questions or drafts about which you have questions.

Roger Harned + Christian Social Witness

[Last revised: 20130830]

© 2013 Roger Harned – All rights reserved by the authors of this site.
Christian Social Witness – Share without cost for Jesus Christ, our Lord.


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