Please click this link: How should Christians respond to grief?


(Summary below) SEE the full article by clicking the link above.

How do you respond to someone who has lost:

  • a parent?
  • a child?
  • a spouse?
  • a friend?

How have others responded to you when you were grieving?

What responses were helpful or hurtful?

Please post your comments below. I will be following the comments on a regular basis for this week and will have a follow up post next week responding to your comments and questions.


One response to “RSVP by your comment: “How should Christians respond to grief?””

  1. For the record, it’s OK to post your Comments on death here IF you don’t on the other page.
    I wrote “A Picture of Heaven” with many wandering thoughts about death. Our focus this week is to engage you to talk about something NO ONE likes to mention — even Christians.
    A brief look at this week’s posts & scriptures may help encourage you. Good.
    Please share your thoughts that might help others OR those unanswered questions you hesitate to ask.
    This is the best link: Please COMMENT.

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