Is your mission a path to a vision for your life?

Is it a vision of your own only? Will you accomplish what you alone have planned?

What if something goes wrong and your mission becomes impossible. What then?

A righteous man lived a long and blessed life, yet near the end of his path of years calamity struck.

Job 10: KJV

My soul is weary of my life;

I will leave my complaint upon myself;

I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.

Is that you, old man (or woman), who has given up on your mission? Perhaps your years are young, yet your soul longs for the eternity for which it was created.

In a moment of despair you appeal to a God who seems far from you. In a time of defeat, a timeline of diminishing life, you remember the words familiar from the passing of failing flesh and bones before you.

Job 10

Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about;

  yet thou dost destroy me.

Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as the clay;

  and wilt thou bring me into dust again?

Oh God! Their days have finished. At the graveside our loved one is lowered into the ground. The dirt is handled and tossed upon the depths which will hold their beloved bones and flesh.

From clay you were formed

To dust you will return;

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust.

Is your mission in life only making the most out of your path to the grave?

What is missing when your days are done? What of your mission then?

Every mission involves someone other than your self.

Job’s mission and the path of a righteous man did not reach the vision he had for his family. Yet his own end was not a life lived in vain.


Who else matters in the life of a righteous man (or woman)?

GOD – the Person of God.

Job’s conversations and prayers were with the Person of God.

In the end, at the graveside of your loved ones and as your loved ones will stand at your graveside: the LORD GOD matters.

The LORD gives life. The LORD takes away life. Blessed be the LORD.

To be continued…



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