Social Media is not the world

two men in discussion behind this building is closes sign in a large church

Looking back & ahead

Once you may have thought of the church as a building. Yet recall from reading your Bible that a true church is its people who love Christ Jesus.

Continuing reflection back on my three-score and ten, briefly:

Giving up each dream now beyond my reach and touched my the Hand of the Almighty, I press on to preach to Gospel exclusively to those whom the Lord has chosen. (You may not be one of these.)

Those not saved by the grace of God have most likely scrolled past the Light of their salvation already.

Roger Harned – reflection on why most will never talk of Jesus Christ

Social Media is not the world

social media

Social media and broadcast media are the medium and the message to a world opposed to the Lord God.

We are in the world and of the world, born into sin and continuing in sin, unless the Lord separates us into His holiness.

Spokespersons for the world seek to sway our conversations to follow only their diverse distancing from God.

Christians must not sway back into the ways of the world — ways which demand judgment and deny the grace of Christ Jesus.

Jesus eternal life John 17-9-10
Jesus prays

Christ, the sinless man

Jesus is No More in the World (and was never of the world).

As we hear in our Lord’s High Priestly Prayer from an upper room in Jerusalem just before His betrayal, Jesus prays for those given Him — the Apostles (except His betrayer) AND for those in generations to come who will need to be protected from the evil one.

Are you one of these?

Do you need protection by the Lord God Who IS and came to the world in the Person of Christ Jesus?

Jesus, God in Person and One with the Father, prays NOT for the world but exclusively for those given to Him — souls chosen for eternal life.

The world will hear its media but never the Truth of God.
The world will read any diverse solution except that of Scripture.
I no longer preach to a world which denies Christ Jesus. 

You with ears to hear and eyes to see, read what John writes to the church.

John’s Letter

Do you have ears to hear challenging preaching directed specifically to Christians who see Christ Jesus through Scripture?

If so, turn the page and read John’s first letter & my challenge to you, beloved brother or sister in Christ.

Pages: 1 2 3


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