Social Media is not the world

two men in discussion behind this building is closes sign in a large church

Exclusively to Church Members

You may READ from either of two translations on the link below.

Christ Is Our Advocate · Do Not Love the World

Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15 NASB

John warns the church that those who ‘love the world’ do NOT have the Father’s love in them. The only true disciples of Jesus are children chosen into the family of God. The true Church is the separated body of Christ in this world.

False witnesses of God in the world are also of the world. These christians cloaked in the virtual light of darkness reveal that Jesus’ love is absent from their empty religious claims. The love of God the Father fails to echo in their false claims as christians.

The Apostle John warns that these who refuse God’s love in Christ do not know the Father, the Son or the Spirit of the Living Lord God.

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are.

For this reason the world does not know us,

because it did not know Him.

1 John 3:1 NASB

A Challenge to False Preaching

Yes, though christians claiming Christ’s religion preach a vision of God, they witness something other than Christ Jesus. (Rarely will you even hear the Name of Jesus on their lips, let alone talk of Jesus in their relationships.)

Perhaps they preach a gospel of a good man Jesus
or a baby Jesus related to a mother of god
or a Jewish Yeshiva (careful of exclusion here)
or a Jesus who will bless you richly
or a Christ who speaks not from scripture
or a Messiah who never suffered and died
or a mysterious man who never rose from death
or a Prophet of a latter day heresy
or a king Jesus brought down to earth for everyone.

Their false Christ is a Savior 
who will not convict me of my sin.

Their gentle Jesus (when they gently mention'Him')
is never a Judge Who IS on the Throne of heaven
or One who will return on the clouds 
.. to 'judge the living and the dead'
.. to tell so many christians, 
"I never knew you."

Will their Redeemer save every good christian like you?

Yes, even Jesus used the word REPENT. Yet in the 21st c. church a call to repentance is never preached by tolerant false shepherds of sheep they lead to the slaughter!

And the false preacher in the anti-Christ pulpit
will never mention a hell where sinners must suffer punishment
or rarely refer to a heaven in which they do not believe.
After all, IF there is no afterlife, this is the life we must live now.

Are you a child overflowing with the love of Jesus?

Or do you claim a more diverse cause that follows a world deceived by false hope?

1 John 4 – Testing the Spirits

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.

And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

Our 21st c. church

Beloved, if the anti-Christs preached in the world to 1st century christians against which the Apostle John warned the church, certainly more anti-Christs walk in this present darkness and preach to a 21st century church of many claims.

Listen & See

Christ’s continuing purpose for my witness of the Gospel to a 21st century church, wrought with ‘christians‘ who witness something other than Christ, now narrows to an exclusive communion of saints starving for the meat of the Gospel.

No soul has more need for the true Gospel of Christ Jesus than the 21st century christian.

Roger Harned –
Read the warning ahead, IF you are part of the church. Click pg 3.

Pages: 1 2 3


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