For the church ONLY Controversial, (possibly personally convicting) to 'christians' - yes, my brother or sister in Christ Jesus, I'm talking to you.
“Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world,
and I come to You. Holy Father,
keep through Your name those whom You have given Me,
that they may be one as We are.
John 17:11 NKJV – Prayer of Christ Jesus for those who follow His as Lord
IF He IS your Lord, these are the words of Christ Jesus praying exclusively for you.
Yet recalling John’s letter to the church, hear this caution:
We remain in this world as sheep led to the slaughter by shepherds with words smooth as silk.
They would grow their influence of this brief life asking the multitudes to:
- Follow our flock to heaven’s wide gate.
- Magnify visions of grace generously leavened in sin and diluted in a diversity not dependent on Jesus.
- Diminish the Person of Jesus who challenges sin in a collage of God the world may accept.
- Convict others without confession of our own perilous guilt.
- Keep distant from those who worship at your side.
- Do good and receive praise.
- Love a few far distant who cannot convict our own hypocrisy.
- Make the promise of Jesus for the children and hope for parents.
- Preach more sweet milk of your vision to those not present.
What you may soon see here (if you choose to read it) may become focused more on those with ears to hear.
You may know this expression from quotes of the Lord Jesus, but do you hear the Voice of the Spirit through Scripture?
Hear His voice by clicking the ‘ears to hear’ link above or see what the Messiah warned by clicking the ‘leading the blind’ link below.
Are the rich pharisees of these last days in this year of our Lord 2020 not blind guides of the church of their visions leading the blind?
What does the world have to say about ‘christians’ in social media?

You know what the world says of our ‘christian‘ witness.
Perhaps their indictment of many of our blind guides confirms a selective truth of our church life and not Christ’s.
What would Jesus have said of our church leaders?
And He [Christ Jesus] said to them, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:
How is your witness to the world as a representative of Christ’s Church?
Where is your heart?
Do you believe the Gospel?
Are you a christian of the world or a Christian worshiping Christ Jesus?
Are you ready to engage in the conversation of Christ Jesus?
Will you, beloved saint of the body of Christ, talk of Jesus with this brother in the Lord?
I want to hear what you have to say about our Lord Jesus.

Please email me OR Comment on this post.
Grace and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.
NEXT: God willing, Continuing to Gethsemane from the Gospel of John
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