Tag: roger harned

  • Some thoughts about 10 years and more

    Some thoughts about 10 years and more

    Some LIVE thoughts from Roger HERE is where you can add your COMMENTS & birthday wishes IF you read what I write. Thoughts from TODAY Throughout this post and below some thoughts, quotes & links from the 1000+ posts on Don’t forget to COMMENT BELOW and Come back later TODAY OR TOMORROW to see…

  • 70 Years (or so)?

    70 Years (or so)?

    70 years (or so)… In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19 NKJV Remember… you are dust We’ve all heard it: “Remember, you are dust” or some graveside equivalent…

  • About Roger, a 21st c. Christian Author

    I first wrote for myself Roger Harned, born in Ohio in the USA. I grew up in a small village listening to many stories of family and others every day. I grew up listening to good preaching as well. I’m a storyteller, some may say an author. I read and write out of my love…

  • Redeemer


    How much, O Lord, must I suffer from the coldness of hardened hearts, the darkness of this world of sin, and the hatred of those I love?   O Lord, our Redeemer, our days are short and our witness of Your Kingdom falls on deaf ears of unrepentant souls.   Why does the one who…

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