Tag: yada

  • yāḏaʿ yāḏaʿ yāḏaʿ – Surely you know: יָדַע

    yāḏaʿ yāḏaʿ yāḏaʿ – Surely you know: יָדַע

    Whatever.. Yada, yada, yada.. Someone tried to share some wisdom with you, perhaps a Proverb or something, and you stop them short. You THINK you understand OR more likely there is NO WAY that you can ever understand. Really, they speak a language you DON”T understand, perhaps Yiddish, or God-forgive, Hebrew. yāḏaʿ (yaw-dah’) – יָדַע…

  • A Word to the Cunning – 2

    Cunning Defined NOUN 1[MASS NOUN] Skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit. Thesaurus: [Nouns] cunning, craft; cunningness, craftiness; subtlety, artificiality; maneuvering; temporization; circumvention. chicane, chicanery; sharp practice, knavery, jugglery; concealment [more]; guile, doubling, duplicity (falsehood) [more]; foul play. diplomacy, politics; Machiavelism; jobbery, backstairs influence. art, artifice; device, machination; plot (plan) [more]; maneuver, stratagem, dodge, artful…

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