Some thoughts about 10 years and more

Roger Harned August 21, 2023 A.D. "Really that?" a thought or so from 10 years of posts on

Some LIVE thoughts from Roger

HERE is where you can add your COMMENTS & birthday wishes IF you read what I write.

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Thoughts from TODAY

Throughout this post

and below some thoughts, quotes & links from the 1000+ posts on

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Come back later TODAY OR TOMORROW to see what may again become PRIVATE from the archives of my library of thoughts, scriptures and writing from personal things about Roger over the years.

MORE surprises later...


To be continued…


Thought from my first post –

Jesus interrupts our thinking that life is burdensome or ordinary.

Every moment has the possibility for a miraculous interruption of interaction in the will of God.

Life Interrupts Life – August 6, 2013
Thought 10 years later: Twitter is now brand X – Facebook is now MetaJESUS IS still ONE with GOD!

Series of thoughts about EMPIRE

We live in a FALLEN world where Christ followers are aliens (not truly citizens) in FALLEN EMPIRES. – 21 August in the year of our Lord 2023

The lessons of history and specifically Scripture sound the trumpet of warning in these last days. Is the United States of America any less likely to fall than the EMPIRE of Rome know to JESUS?

Something's wrong with our church! church denominations

EMPIRE Fallen; Church Divided traces the beginnings of CHURCH HISTORY as related to historical events also linked to Christian faith.

The concept of the Falling CHURCH has been food for thought since my early posts. Here is a quote from an early series RE-Posted as a Summer Rerun in A.D. 2021:

8 August, 2013 A.D. – This time in history.

Genesis 1:2a King James Version – And the earth was without form, and void…

Creation, mankind, nations, the church, families and individuals ALL have a history.

“Most history is untold and unknown to most. – Thought from a 3 min. introduction to a 3-part series EMPIRE Fallen; Church Divided

Roger writes for Christian believers

how do you react to denied HOT topics of Truth?
false – for it is intolerant of Christ and Scripture
“Sin against God Almighty will be judged.  Sin of false prophets will be judged.  Sin of godless religious and national leaders will be judged. Sin of godless men will be judged. – August 17, 2013 AD

Paul and his Christian brothers write to the churches. They are not claiming to write to everyone in Galatia or Corinth or EVERYONE anywhere else in the idol-worshiping gentile world. Is that OUR approach?

Isn’t it nice to watch some preacher online (or on T.V.) and conveniently claim to the culture that you are ‘a christian?” ARE YOU? Simply because YOU watched some christian preacher saying graceful things?

But Not ALL Preaching is Scripturally motivated

Distinction between the Kingdom and the Church of Christ – 9/24/2022 AD
Do you really believe that? Can you affirm that ONLY Scripture Sola Scriptura is the inspired word of the Lord God? {a recall of a church strayed from Scripture - What doctrine do you preach?)
ONLY Scripture – Sola Scriptura

An ongoing thought & caution:

a 2 minute read, BUT do my ‘christian’ ‘friends’ bother to HEAR Scripture & respond?

AGAIN, the challenge of 2013 remains among the challenges of A.D. 2023. What is true of false teaching? What source can you trust for TRUTH?

How is it that you can listen to false teachers for hours, yet will not READ your Bible even for minutes?
Do you believe the Bible? How will you know if your teacher is false? – August 13, 2013

Thoughts about gods and COUNTRY

And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.

Luke 20:15 LSB – thought from JESUS

Don’t you just love all the DEBATE every four years trying to buy a NEW Caesar for the Palace?

Roger has generally not take political sides nor does he avoid the debate as some of the arrogant leaders may spin their own outcomes.
MINISTRY OF TRUTH - Orwellian view from 1948 with warnings of 1984

Supposing that WE THE PEOPLE elect our Caesar’s as Idols of our EMPIRE only to carry daggers of assassination into hate week debates of NEWSPEAK every four years.


Pilate *said to them, “Shall I crucify your King?”
The chief priests answered, “We have no king but Caesar.” – Gospel of John 19:15 LSB
– YET the ‘christian’ right & ‘catholic’ ‘choice rights’ radically claim ‘religion without Christ’
for the US election in the Common Era of 2014

JUSTICE is not only blind, but crippled by unrighteousness.
LAW is lost without AUTHORITY of GOD. – August 14, 2014 CE
NO Christology a study of creation without Christ



You may have heard of the Trinity before,

but it will not impact your faith until you receive the Holy Spirit. – June 12, 2021 Doctrine – GOD IS HOLY

About Roger + some theological thoughts

A ‘life verse’ from Job, a righteous man questioning Almighty God.

For what is the hope of the godless, though he get him gain,
When God taketh away his soul?
9 Will God hear his cry,
When trouble cometh upon him?
10 Will he delight himself in the Almighty,
And call upon God at all times?
11 I will teach you concerning the hand of God;
That which is with the Almighty will I not conceal.

Job 27:8-11 ASV

updated TODAY – is this a post-Covid christian direction?

A man of too many friends comes to ruin,

But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24
I have neither too many nor a friend closer than a brother.
For I have not been one to more than a few.

Lack of response by these here will verify the lonely truth of this. - RH

more about Roger

Written for this 'celebration' of my mortal life 3 years ago with some personal events and milestones available to ALL as one of my 1000+ posts written for my 'brothers & sisters' in Christ for 10 years. (I suppose not much has changed, but who really wants to hear what.)
Thought of this celebration: Today I have reached the ‘or so.’

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Comment on Scripture + Share the Gospel

Roger Harned August 21, 2023 A.D. "Really that?" a thought or so from 10 years of posts on
a thought on my birthday


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